CV NEWS FEED // After a new Texas law banned abortions after six weeks of gestation, a number of pro-abortion Christian organizations joined abortion industry leaders like Planned Parenthood in promoting the crime.
“The churches, known as ‘Reproductive Freedom Congregations,’ are united in their public support for a woman’s right to an abortion and are determined to ‘take God back’ from the religious right,” according to The Blaze:
The initiative was spearheaded last week by the religious group “Just Texas: Faith Voices for Reproductive Justice” with the aim of training pastors on how to preach on reproductive health issues from the pulpit, the Religious News Service reported.
The pro-abortion church campaign is not spontaneous, but was funded and planned ahead of time in anticipation of the pro-life law taking effect in Texas.
“Just Texas, an initiative of the Texas Freedom Network, held a news conference at First Unitarian Church of Dallas on Wednesday,” the Dallas Morning News reported late last month, a week before the pro-life law passed. At the press conference, the group announced “a new effort to identify congregations that support reproductive rights.”
The Just Texas Reproductive Freedom Congregation designation recognizes churches that are working to remove the stigma associated with abortion and other reproduction health choices. Just Texas currently has 25 congregations with the designation and another 70 going through the process.
In order to qualify as a member congregation, church communities are supposed to vow fidelity to a set of principles, including: “We promise that people who attend our congregation will be free from stigma, shame, or judgment for their reproductive decisions, including abortion.”
Texas’ Catholic Bishops, on the other hand, have enthusiastically endorsed the pro-life law. “We celebrate every life saved by this legislation,” said the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops in a statement after the passage of the law:
Opponents of the law argue the term “heartbeat” is misleading. They call it “embryonic cardiac activity” or worse, “electrically induced flickering of embryonic tissue.” These attempts to dehumanize the unborn are disturbing.
Abortion is a human rights issue; the most fundamental human right is the right to life. Abortion is not healthcare. Abortion is not freedom. Abortion does not help women. Abortion is never the answer. It is always the violent taking of innocent human life.
Readers can find the full statement from the Texas bishops here.