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CV NEWS FEED // There has been a massive spike in “transgenderism,” “non-binary” identification, and money for big Pharma in recent years – a trend that experts attribute to “social contagion.”
This year, a report showed that 38% of the students at Brown University do not identify as straight. In New Jersey, there has been a 4000% increase in students that identify as non-binary.
Where did this influx come from? Are that many students truly what they now claim to be?
The Data
The United States has seen a startling increase in rates of teenagers and young adults suddenly “discovering” a “transgender” identity. It is difficult to capture a percentage of American high school students identifying as “non-binary,” but “trans” activists, social scientists, and researchers agree that the number has skyrocketed in the last ten years. All give varying accounts of this increase.
What was once accepted as a condition affecting at most about 0.014% of the population is now celebrated and embraced by anywhere from 2% to 9.2% of American teenagers. In either case, that’s a nearly-200% to 920% increase in less than one generation.
The spike corresponds to the increased “education” children are receiving about LGBTQ ideology. For example, in New Jersey a first-grade lesson plan designed by “Rights, Respect, Responsibility” provides teachers with scripts, hands-on activities, and discussion questions for teaching “the gender spectrum.” At one point in the lesson on “Pink, Blue, and Purple,” teachers are scripted to say:
Identity starts with an I. That’s how you can remember it. “I” feel, “I” know. Gender identity is that feeling of knowing your gender. You might feel like you are a boy, you might feel like you are a girl. You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are “girl” parts. You might feel like you’re a girl even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are “boy” parts. And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both. No matter how you feel, you’re perfectly normal!
“Only 16 students from the state’s public schools identified as ‘non-binary’ during the 2019-20 school year, enrollment figures from the New Jersey Department of Education show,” The Washington Free Beacon reported. “By the 2022-23 school year, however, that number skyrocketed to 675 students, a more than 4,000 percent increase, according to the figures. Among the 675 students who identified themselves as ‘non-binary,’ 41 are in elementary school.”
Also in 2021, Brown University launched Phase Two of its Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP), which included the following goals:
- Doubling the faculty from historically underrepresented groups by 2022.
- Diversify the graduate and medical student bodies at Brown, with the goal of doubling the number of graduate students from historically underrepresented groups by 2022, and sustaining and enhancing the successful recruiting of historically underrepresented groups in medicine.
- Enhance diversity among our undergraduates with a specific focus on African American/Black, Latinx, Native American, Southeast Asian, Pacific Islander, first-generation, low-income and undocumented students.
- Promote hiring practices, professional development and mentorship programs that will increase the diversity of staff and further their careers, especially staff from historically underrepresented groups.
Now, in 2023, the University reports that 38% of their population is not “straight.”
What Happened?
More and more experts state that the rise in “trans”- and “bi”-identifying youth is the result of social contagion – essentially peer pressure and the suggestive power of propaganda.
Abigail Shrier documented this phenomenon in her 2021 bestseller “Irreversible Damage,” which chronicles the rise of “trans” radicalization in groups of young girls.
As Shrier noted in a 2021 interview with Beverly Halberg, if the rise in children “coming out as trans” were purely a result of a more accepting society allowing the previously undetected masses of “trans” people the freedom to come out, we would also expect to see 40-, 50-, and 60-year-olds coming out. But that has not been the case.
Children aren’t coming out because they’re “trans,” Shier argues. They’re identifying as “trans” in response to societal suggestion, often in order to gain acceptance.
Medical professionals, teachers, and school counselors, aided and abetted by pro-trans politicians and activists, offer vulnerable children “care” and acceptance. In a world where many children come from broken or single-parent homes, that acceptance is seductive.
London University political scientist Eric Kaufmann agreed. His studies have shown that while young people may identify with the LGBTQ movement, there has been no increase in the sexual behavior that corresponds to their stated new identities.
“LGBT behavior is up 4 points among young people since 2008, but LGBT identity is up 11 points,” Kauffman said. “Among women, only around a fifth of bisexuals in 2008-10 said they only slept with men in the past 5 years. That share has risen steadily, so that it is now the case that the majority of female bisexuals only sleep with men.”
“If this was about people feeling able to come out, then we should have seen these two trends rise together,” he said. “What we find instead is that identity is rising much faster than behavior, indicating that people with occasional rather than sustained feelings of attraction to the opposite sex are increasingly identifying as LGBT.”
Money, Money, Money
The engineered increase in the “trans” population has, naturally, resulted in a rapid rise in requests for controversial sexual surgeries and hormone treatments.
For example, the Tavistock gender clinic in the UK reported 97 requests for service in 2009. In 2020, that traffic increased to 2,728 inquiries – a 53-fold increase in just ten years. In 2021, the clinic reported over 4,600 children on a waiting list for their first appointment in the journey toward “sex change.”
These rises have been anticipated and are being capitalized on by the West’s massive healthcare industry.
Corporations and industries care about the bottom line. Hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies have every incentive to promote dangerous hormonal therapies and irreversible “sex-change” surgeries for an ever-younger population. And with support from taxpayer-funded Medicare and health insurance companies, that’s just what many medical institutions are doing.
The surgeries are not cheap.
The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery publishes its cost sheet for both male-to-female and female-to-male “transitions,” and the prices range from a $3,400 neck liposuction to a $25,600 vaginoplasty (or “bottom surgery”).
Women who want to “transition” to a male body can purchase a penis for $24,900 or cut off their breasts for between $7,800 and $10,900.
Once a person receives “sex reassignment” surgery, however, their dependence on pharmaceuticals has just begun. For years, if not the rest of their lives, they will be dependent on hormonal therapeutic drugs such as testosterone or estrogen, routine physicals, physical and emotional therapies, and often antidepressants to maintain their “dream body.”
“Sex-reassignment” surgery guarantees a person will be dependent on the healthcare industry for life.
“Big pharma, big hospital systems, surgical centers and doctors seek to gain huge profits. Lupron [a puberty blocker prescribed to children] monthly is $775 alone. That’s a $27,000 ‘pause button’ at 5 years [of age],” Dr. Michael Laidlaw wrote. “Multiply this together with the huge rise in cases documented or observed in Western nations and a major windfall is to be had.”