
Joe Manchin



key issues

  • Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

    This amendment would have required abortionists to provide medical care to a baby who survives an abortion. This vote was taken on February 4, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • 2021 Budget Religious Freedom Protections

    This amendment would have strengthened religious freedom protections in a federal spending bill. This vote was taken on February 5, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • Religious Freedom in COVID Relief

    This amendment protected the religious freedom of churches and their right to stay open during covid restrictions. This vote was taken on February 5, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • Hyde in COVID

    This amendment would have prohibited taxpayer funding for abortion in the covid relief bill of 2021, the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act. This vote was taken on March 6, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • No Men in Women's Sports

    This amendment would have cut off federal funding for any school or university sports program which allows transgender boys on girls’ sports teams. This vote was taken on March 6, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • Xavier Becerra Confirmation

    This vote was on whether to confirm Xavier Becerra to be Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Becerra is a radical pro-abortion ideologue who has demonstrated hostility towards religious freedom. This vote was taken on March 18, 2021. This senator voted YES

  • Fetal Tissue Funding Ban

    This amendment would have prohibited federal taxpayer funding for research which involves aborted fetal tissue or destruction of human embryos. This vote was taken on May 25, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • Embryonic Chimera Funding Ban

    This amendment would have prohibited funding for human-animal hybrid (chimera) research. This vote was taken on May 26, 2021. This senator did not vote.

  • Hyde in Budget Resolution

    This amendment preserved the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits direct taxpayer funding for abortion in federal spending bills. This vote was taken on August 10, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • Penalties for 20+ Week Abortions

    This amendment would have established penalties against abortionists who perform abortions at 20 weeks or later, when the unborn baby can feel excruciating pain during an abortion. This vote was taken on August 11, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • Prohibit Funds for Down Syndrome Abortion

    This was a vote to prohibit federal taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions of babies believed to have Down syndrome. This vote was taken on August 11, 2021. This senator voted YES.

  • (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act

    The bill would establish gay marriage under federal law for the first time. It would also grant federal recognition to polygamist and polyamorous marriages as long as they are recognized by the individual state. (The Supreme Court invented a right to gay marriage in 2015, but the Defense of Marriage Act remained on the books.) This vote was taken on November 29, 2022. This senator voted YES.

  • Veterans Administration Abortion Funding

    This resolution would have overturned a Veterans Administration rule allowing the VA to pay for and counsel for abortions for the first time. The vote failed. This vote was taken on April 19, 2023. This senator voted YES.

  • Equal Rights Amendment Revival (2021)

    The resolution sought to revive the long-dead “Equal Rights Amendment”, which would add a right to abortion to the Constitution and eliminate legal protections long given to women, such as alimony and exemption from the draft. This vote was taken on April 27, 2023. This representative voted YES.


This Member of Congress is newly sworn in and does not yet have a voting record on the issues we score. This profile will be updated as new votes are taken.

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