CV NEWS FEED // During his usual Wednesday General Audience this week, Pope Francis invited his listeners to a day of prayer and penance for world peace, to be held on Friday, October 27.
Pope Francis urgently called for an end of hostilities in the Holy Land. “The possible widening of the conflict is worrying, while in the world many war fronts are already open. Keep the guns silent! Let the cry of peace of the people, of the people, of the children, be heard!” he said.
“Thinking about this, I have decided to announce, on Friday, 27 October, a day of fasting and prayer, of penance, to which I invite the sisters and brothers of the various Christian confessions, those belonging to other religions and those who care about the cause of world peace.”
The pontiff announced that on that Friday, at 6.00 pm in St. Peter’s Basilica “we will experience, in a spirit of penance, an hour of prayer to implore peace in our days, peace in this world.”
Pope Francis asked all the particular Churches to participate, asking local dioceses to prepare “similar initiatives that involve the People of God.”