CV NEWS FEED // A mother from Jefferson County, Colorado was banned from her local library for defending her children from pornographic LGBTQ content.
A donor to CatholicVote was visiting her local library in Jefferson County and was appalled at the inappropriate books on display at the eye level of her children. She hid the material and replaced it with other, more child-friendly books. Later, the library contacted her and notified her that the “safety and security coordinator” had suspended her from accessing the library for a period of time.
“As any good mother would do, I would not tolerate this filth and perversion for one second, especially with books targeting young adolescents and children in a display that was not for children at all,” the woman fired back in a letter to the library. “This was a breach of my children’s security while patronizing a public library.”
“The true offense is Jeffco Library staff putting out material that is akin to child abuse for our children to see, and pushing an agenda that is not for children, an agenda, that the majority of parents and Arvada taxpayers have had enough of,” she continued:
Unfortunately, I can no longer trust that my children will be safe and secure at a Jefferson County Library from even perusing through book/video selections because of what they may view on the book covers.
With the safety of her children and the children of the entire county in mind, this mother decided not to appeal her three-month suspension from the library. Instead, she took a different approach.
“I will be informing my large circle of contacts who are county residents, taxpayers, parents, and patrons of the Jefferson Country Library, about what is happening at their local library and how the library is choosing to use their taxpayer dollars,” she wrote:
I will tell them about your beyond-disturbing book display and the “suspension” of my library privileges for a petty moving of books to protect my children, meanwhile, Jeffco libraries are being shut down for methamphetamine contamination. The staff who set up this book display are the ones who should be contacted by law enforcement for indecently exposing borderline pornographic material to the public.
She ended her letter to the library with the words: “Shame on Jefferson County Library.”