CV NEWS FEED // The Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday announced that they will not honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at an upcoming event after CatholicVote called on baseball fans to contact the team.
The news comes after the Dodgers announced plans to give a “Community Hero Award” to the group during “Pride” month. As CatholicVote was the first to report:
On Friday, June 16, the Dodgers will partner with LA Pride to host a 10th annual LGBTQ night at Dodgers Stadium before a matchup with the San Francisco Giants.
At the pre-game event, a “Community Hero Award” will be presented to the LA Chapter of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The men dress in grotesque costumes styled after the garb of Catholic nuns and mock the faith with the motto “Go forth and sin some more!”
CatholicVote President Brian Burch stated that he was glad that the Dodgers decided against honoring a group that hates Catholics.
“We are pleased that the Dodgers reconsidered their decision to honor an anti-Catholic hate group known for their gross mockery of Catholic nuns,” said Burch. “While we continue to wonder how such a group was selected in the first place, this incident should serve as a wake-up call for all religious believers: unchecked woke corporations have no qualms about exploiting people of faith.”
In their announcement, the Dodgers maintained pride in the team’s annual “LGBTQ+ Pride Night,” which will take place in June. “This year, as part of a full night of programming, we invited a number of groups to join us,” the team stated:
We are now aware that our inclusion of one group in particular – The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – in this year’s pride night has been the source of some controversy.
Given the strong feelings of people who have been offended by the sisters’ inclusion in our evening, and in an effort not to distract from the great benefits that we have seen over the years of Pride Night, we are deciding to remove them from this year’s group of honorees.
“CatholicVote is calling on all Catholics to contact the Los Angeles Dodgers and demand they cancel their plans to grant a ‘Community Hero Award’ to an anti-Catholic hate group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI),” CatholicVote reported the day before the team announced the reversal:
“The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI) are an anti-Catholic hate group which exists to desecrate and degrade the Catholic faith,” wrote Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote. “Their sole mission is to disgust Christians with the most grotesque acts they can imagine.”
“It’s bad enough to drag down baseball – which ought to be synonymous with the best of America,” added CatholicVote Vice President Joshua Mercer. “But the LA Dodgers – with the blessing of Major League Baseball – are doing more than pollute our national pastime with woke intolerance and far-Left propaganda: They’re directly attacking religious Americans.”
We hope every baseball fan in America takes three minutes to contact the team,” Burch said.
In a letter sent to the Dodgers and to Major League Baseball (MLB) Commissioner Robert Manfred, Burch detailed the hatred the activist LGBTQ group had displayed against Catholics.
“The SPI mock Catholics by taking on vulgar names such as ‘Sister GladAss of the Joyous Reserectum,’” Burch wrote:
They dress in sexualized perversions of religious garb, taunting the women religious who serve the poor in Southern California and around the world. In one infamous stunt, they tricked an archbishop into giving them the Eucharist – the most important sacrament of the Catholic faith – so they could defile it. This past Easter Sunday, the SPI put on an exhibition in San Francisco in which a performer dressed as Jesus carried a cross up a hill and then performed a pole dance on it.
Burch also noted that the Dodgers’ decision to honor the hate group came during an ongoing rash of violence against Catholics. CatholicVote has tracked over 300 attacks on Catholic houses of worship since 2020.
He also pointed out the legacy of the late Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully, who passed away less than a year before the Dodgers made their plans to honor the anti-Catholic SPI.
“Scully spoke frequently about the importance of his faith. He was a regular Mass attendee and once lent his golden vocal cords to a recording of the Rosary, among many other acts of charity on behalf of the Church,” CatholicVote reported.
“He practiced – and encouraged others to practice – the very devotions which the SPI abuse, such as the Rosary. Vin and other members of the Dodgers family, including many fans, would surely be appalled that the team to which they gave so much of their lives would dishonor their faith in such a manner,” Burch wrote in his letter.
“Baseball is the national pastime, and a baseball stadium should be a place where people of all faiths are welcomed and respected,” Burch added. “For a revered, all-American institution like the Dodgers to bring the SPI into the mainstream and honor them is reprehensible.”
NY POST: LA Dodgers cancels plans to honor ‘queer and trans nuns’ after uproar
The Washington Times: Dodgers scratch award for drag queens dressed like nuns after Catholic
Fox News: LA Dodgers cave, eject anti-Catholic group from LGBTQ Pride event after backlash
The Washington Examiner: Dodgers nix award to anti-Catholic transgender nuns after backlash
Catholic News Agency: BREAKING: Dodgers disinvite anti-Catholic drag performers from Pride Night after backlash
The Christian Post: LA Dodgers cancel plans to honor ‘hate group’ at ‘pride night’
The Daily Wire: Dodgers Boot Anti-Catholic ‘Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence’ From LGBT Event After Controversy