WARNING FROM THE EDITOR: This article contains extremely graphic and disturbing images depicting the aftermath of surgeries which Florida recently banned subjecting children to, and which President Joe Biden defends.
CV NEWS FEED // After President Joe Biden this week said it was “cruel” and “close to sinful” for Florida to ban subjecting children to so-called “sex-change” procedures, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis fired back at the president for defending the “mutilation of minors.”
“It is not ‘sinful’ to prohibit the mutilation of minors,” DeSantis tweeted in response to the president’s remarks. “It is not acceptable for the federal government to mandate that procedures like sex change operations be allowed for kids.”
“What’s going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, close to sinful,” Biden had said. He was referring to Florida medical boards’ recent decision to prohibit subjecting children to so-called “gender-affirming” surgical procedures and life-altering puberty-blockers.
Biden framed his harsh criticism as a defense of the children themselves, despite the fact Florida officials say they are protecting kids. “What are they thinking about here?” Biden said of the decision to ban the controversial medical interventions. “They’re human beings, they love, they have feelings, they have inclinations… it’s cruel.”
Biden also suggested there should be laws forbidding opposition to the “trans” medical agenda’s targeting of children. “The way we do it is we make sure we pass legislation like we passed on same-sex marriage,” he threatened. “You mess with that, you’re breaking the law, and you’re going to be held accountable.”
In addition to the governor speaking against Biden’s position, DeSantis’ team published a video on social media showing Biden making his original comments alongside disturbing photography of the gruesome aftermath of “sex-change surgeries.”
“Florida banned these surgeries for children,” the video caption stated.
As DeSantis goes head-to-head with the president over the explosive issue of subjecting children to “sex-changes,” onlookers will likely view the confrontation in light of the upcoming contest for the presidency in 2024.
DeSantis has not announced a bid for the presidency, but many on the political right have urged him to do so. Former President Donald Trump, who announced he is running again for the White House, seems to consider DeSantis his primary competition heading into the GOP primary season.
Biden, a self-proclaimed Catholic, intends to run again for a second term. If DeSantis, a practicing Catholic, were to win the Republican nomination and Biden remained the frontrunner on the Democratic ticket, the 2024 contest would be one between two Catholics.