CV NEWS FEED // Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila urged Catholics to treat Lent as a time of conversion, intimacy and friendship with Jesus, and provided several practical ways to grow in faith over the next five weeks.
Amid the confusion and turmoil in the world and in the Church, we are invited to come to and learn from Jesus,” Aquila said in his Lent 2024 pastoral note. “The faithful often ask me, ‘How do we do this? Lent is a perfect time to begin this life-long journey.”
Aquila encouraged Catholics to begin by taking at least 15 minutes for daily silent prayer “to share your heart with him and listen and learn from him.”
He also suggested reading a chapter of the Gospel during daily prayer, asking the Holy Spirit for assistance, or praying the Surrender Novena.
“[R]ead and note where the words of the Gospel are speaking to your heart,” he said. “[N]ote the words in the prayer [Surrender Novena] that strike your heart and ask Jesus why they stand out to you. How is the Lord speaking to you?”
In addition, Aquila recommended prayerfully watching one episode of The Chosen a day.
“You can ponder what it may have been like to be a disciple of Jesus 24/7; living with him, listening to him, confused by some of the things he said, and led to the truth, to him who is “the way, the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6),” he said. “You can see how he loves his disciples, corrects them and calls them to conversion through his mercy.”
Finally, Aquila urged Catholics to “be not afraid” of encountering Jesus through confession and frequent reception of the Eucharist.
He also encouraged the faithful to practice fasting and especially almsgiving this Lent, pointing out that almsgiving also includes the giving of presence and time and not only donating money. As an example he invited local Catholics to join a local ministry dedicated to serving the homeless in the city and spend time with them.
“My deepest hunger and longing for you as your shepherd and Father this Lent is that you come to know and receive the love and mercy of Jesus Christ; that Jesus, who calls us friends, may become your friend as you receive him in your heart and live with him each hour of the day,” he concluded. “Remember his invitation. He is waiting for your response.”