CV NEWS FEED // Washington, DC is imposing an indoor vaccine mandate for anyone over the age of 12.
The new rule will affect numerous businesses and schools, requiring the COVID-19 shot even for schoolchildren at private institutions such as Catholic schools.
“Beginning Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 6AM certain establishments will be required to verify that patrons ages 12 and older have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine,” stated Mayor Muriel Bowser.
The requirement quickly escalates, with all people age 12 and older mandated to show proof they have received both COVID-19 shots and are “fully vaccinated” by Feb. 15 in order to enter most public indoor spaces. “Beginning Jan 15, 2022, businesses shall display a notice informing patrons that proof of vaccination is required to enter any indoor portion of a covered location,” Bowser said:
Beginning March 1, 2022, all students eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine that has been fully approved by the FDA must be immunized against COVID-19. This applies to DCPS, charter, and independent, private, and parochial school students.
The new dictat makes Washington DC the only city in the U.S. to mandate COVID-19 shots for schoolchildren. Most controversial of all is the fact that the mandate claims to apply to children attending private schools – a move that many commentators have already pointed to as an overreach of authority which will surely face lawsuits.
“This isn’t just a crackdown on a few businesses. It’s a crackdown on parents and the family, where decisions about kids’ health should be made,” said CatholicVote Political Director Joshua Mercer.
It’s also one of the most blatant violations of the First Amendment right to religious freedom. Already these insane vax mandates have seen more lawsuits than I can count across the country, and a huge portion of those suits come from Catholics with conscience claims.
“The Supreme Court has been a very strong defender of religious freedom,” Mercer added, “so I expect this to be overturned in short order.”
Mayor Bowser has been caught violating her own mask mandate in July 2020.
Within one day of imposing the mandate that forbade indoor gatherings without masks, Bowser was photographed without a mask at an indoor gathering of hundreds of people at an upscale hotel, where she officiated a wedding. The other guests were reportedly not wearing masks either.