CV NEWS FEED // CatholicVote on Friday revealed that CBS refused to carry a political ad that warns voters of Democratic nominee Kamala Harris’ support for using taxpayer dollars to subject children to “transgender” medical procedures.
CatholicVote President Brian Burch told The Daily Caller, “Either CBS is covering for Kamala Harris, or they are too scared to tell the truth about what’s happening.”
“Taxpayers, especially parents, deserve to know that they are paying for devastating and permanent surgeries that destroy the healthy body parts of children,” Burch added:
CBS and Paramount have been particularly aggressive in pushing transgenderism in mass media, so why would they be afraid to discuss what that means in reality for everyday families whose kids are receiving their pro-transgender messaging?
The media conglomerate Paramount Global owns CBS.
The Daily Caller reported:
In a September analysis of CBS’ flagship production, CBS Evening News, it was discovered that 94% of the coverage for Harris was positive, according to the Media Research Center. On the contrary, former President Donald Trump’s coverage was found to be 77% negative from CBS.
CBS’ leadership team, including members on the board of directors, previously made donations to Biden and Harris, along with other Democrats.
CatholicVote is currently running the ad in the key swing states of Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin ahead of November’s presidential election – particularly targeting Catholic voters and voters with children.
“Medicaid data shows 97 girls had their breasts completely removed,” the ad’s narrator states. “Fourteen underage girls underwent hysterectomies. Sex change operations attempting to make young boys into girls. Penis amputations.”
“Sound weird? Disgusting? It is,” the ad continues. “And you’re paying for it. Kamala Harris supports these taxpayer-funded sex-change operations. A vote for Harris – a vote for medical experiments on kids.”
As CatholicVote previously reported, Burch grounded the ad in “explosive new data” from the government.
“Thousands of trans surgeries are happening – on kids – across the country,” said Burch:
Double mastectomies on young girls. Hysterectomies. Amputation of boys’ genitalia. Full skin grafts to forehead, chin, underarms, genitals, hands, and feet. The Biden-Harris administration is using your tax dollars today to pay for them. And Kamala Harris wants to expand these medical experiments on kids.
“This ad is hard to watch for a reason,” Burch added. “Because the truth is sickening. America’s children are being carved up and sterilized.”
“The number of trans mutilations on kids is already shockingly high,” Burch warned. “If Kamala Harris wins, how many more children’s bodies will she help destroy?”