CV NEWS FEED // Catholic Stand has just released the fourth part of a sixteen-part series on Catholic evangelization, titled “Bring ‘Em Back!”
In an effort to counteract the rising number of lapsed Catholics in the US, Catholic Stand has launched a sixteen-part article series directed at “help[ing] you have a discussion, or a series of discussions with your lapsed Catholic loved one(s) and friends.”
The first article in the series begins by pointing out that even before the pandemic, according to a 2017 study, “some 56 million out of 70 million Catholics in the US were not going to Mass every week.”
The most recent installment of the series emphasizes preparation for evangelizing encounters.
“What kind of Catholic has your lapsed Catholic loved one been for most of his or her life? Taking some time to think about this is time well spent,” the article states, adding that knowing “what kind of Catholic” your loved one is “will help you determine how to steer the conversation.”
The article also entreats Catholics to be conscious of age and education level when considering how to approach a conversation with lapsed Catholics:
Having some idea of how much the person knows (and understands) about the Catholic Faith is helpful. If the individual was poorly catechized, you may have to explain not only what the Church teaches but the ‘why’ behind Church teaching.
Ultimately, the article notes, the role of Catholics in evangelization is to “share the good news of Salvation through Jesus Christ.” The hearer of this news must allow the grace of God to compel and bring about conversion.
“Keep this in mind. Your responsibility is to make the effort. God is responsible for ‘convicting the hearer of the good news to the truth.’ This will likely be done in God’s time, according to his plan, not yours.”
Lastly, the article encourages those who attempt evangelizing to “be prepared to go the distance,” and to “have a plan and do [the] homework,” ahead of time in order to ensure a more productive conversation.