CV NEWS FEED // Black pro-life Christian leaders are speaking out against Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent tour of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility and denouncing her support of the “leading cause of death in the black community.”
As a part of her pro-abortion event trail across the states, Harris toured a Planned Parenthood facility in Minnesota on March 14, making her the first vice president in history to do so. Her tour was met with backlash from pro-lifers across the nation.
In a press release, Catherine Davis, the founder and president of the pro-life organization the Restoration Project, stated:
Despite the push by Planned Parenthood and the vice president to legitimize the taking of innocent life by cloaking it in reproductive healthcare language, the baby in the womb is not a disease to be gotten rid of, nor is taking the life of the baby a remedy for psychological stress related to pregnancy.
Founded in 2011, the Restoration Project is a nonprofit organization focused on “rebuilding families, promoting the sanctity of life, and providing related educational materials, in order to transform American public policy and culture’s impact on Black life into a restored culture of uprightness, evenhandedness, and virtue,” according to its website.
In the press release, the Restoration Project decried Planned Parenthood for its eugenic practices in targeting of black women and children, as well as Harris’ association with the company.
“Since placing their population control target on the backs of black women and their children, Planned Parenthood has perfected the Negro Project their founder launched in 1939,” the Restoration Project stated. “For decades, they fought to diminish the eugenic, racist beliefs of Margaret Sanger, shrouding her in rhetoric suggesting she was a ‘trailblazer’ whose race animus was ‘complex’.”
“In recent years Planned Parenthood broadened the influencer base to include black elected officials paid to straighten out the idea they want to exterminate blacks,” the statement continued:
In a nation where skin color has been wielded as a weapon of division, it is difficult to fathom how any elected official can openly hob nob with an organization that admits it is built on a foundation of systemic racism and white supremacy.
Since 2008, more than 159,000 unborn children have been killed by abortion in Minnesota alone, according to the MN Department of Health.
The Restoration Project noted this number, continuing, “Over 39,000 of those children were black. Just as the Democrats did during the KKK’s reign of terror, the Vice President supports and celebrates the organization that has helped abortion become the leading cause of death in the black community.”
In the press release, Sisters for Life Executive Director Angela Minter slammed Planned Parenthood for targeting black women and for Harris’ support of abortion.
“Kamala Harris has made history by being touted as the first black woman to become vice president and the first vice president to tour an abortion facility. She does not recognize that America’s black women are worth more and deserve better than abortion,” Minter stated.
Founder and President of the National Black Pro-Life Union Day Gardner called the tour a “slap in the face” to women harmed by abortion.
“Planned Parenthood rips apart black babies in the most horrific ways, brutally slaughtering them in the name of reproductive healthcare,” Gardner stated. “Kamala Harris, a brown woman, touring that facility is a slap in the face of every woman reproductively harmed by the largest abortion provider in the nation.”
“Black women are no longer buying the pro-abortion hype,” Gardner added. “We are circling the wagons to protect our own.”
Pastor Denise Walker, a leader at the Minnesota-based organization Rich in Mercy Abortion and Miscarriage Recovery, called the support of abortion “appalling.”
“It is appalling how Black political and religious leaders, especially in the Democrat party, continue to encourage the extermination of innocent Black people in the womb,” Walker stated. “Unfortunately, Kamala is the rule and not the exception in the blood lust war on babies — especially Black babies.”
President Joe Biden has made restoring Roe v. Wade as a central focus of his reelection campaign, and has praised VP Harris for her pro-abortion efforts.
After Biden held a pro-abortion rally in Virginia in January, Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington decried the president’s anti-life priorities.
“This is clearly not about women’s health,” Burbidge stated. “Despite what this administration claims, taking the life of an innocent child is never a ‘choice.’ Women who are facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies deserve assistance that affirms and supports life – not destroy it.”