Screenshot from YouTube (Administration for Children and Families)
CV NEWS FEED // An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has launched a new, taxpayer-funded “learning series” on gender and sexual orientation as part of the Biden administration’s agenda “to better support the LGBTQIA2S+ community.”
The series, created by the Administration for Children and Family (ACF), is intended to “be for direct use in the workplace and with ACF grantees and communities,” stated January Contreras, the Assistant Secretary for ACF, in an internal email obtained by CatholicVote.
It will also help ACF continue to make progress on implementing last year’s Executive Order on Advancing Equity for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex [LGBTQI+] Individuals.

The ACF has “a budget of more than $70 billion, making it the second largest agency in HHS.” As a whole, critics contend that under the Biden administration HHS has taken actions to promote far-left policies and discriminate against those who disagree.
Xavier Becerra serves as Secretary of Health and Human Services and “poses a clear and present danger for Catholics and all people of faith,” CatholicVote president Brian Burch said upon Becerra’s confirmation. He has a “record of aggressive hostility to free speech, health care freedom, and the traditional values of marriage, family, and the sanctity of life.”
The new series, Contreras added, will build “collective knowledge on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, and intersex people (people with intersex traits, and/or people with variations in sex characteristics).”
“This agency was created to help all children, unfortunately it has evolved into a far left taxpayer funded promoter of grooming, all at the cost of parental rights,” said CatholicVote Director of Government Affairs Tom McClusky.
The first module of the series, published on July 1, 2023, featured speakers including Contreras, Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau Aysha Schomburg, the Principle and Found of Unicorn Solutions Elliot Hinkle, Director of the National SOGIE Center Angela Weeks, and ACF’s Chief of Staff Larry Handerhan.
The remaining modules are scheduled to be released over the next 9 months, and each module will be 30 minutes in length.