First, please let me clarify: I’m not trying to write news here. My hope is just to verbalize what many of us are thinking and to remind us all of the one way we can unite, even though we are so divided over Donald Trump.
Like all religious conservatives, I love America, and I love my faith. I can’t stomach the thought of what Hillary would do to our nation and God’s plans for it, but, still, I’m having a little trouble “getting on the Trump Train”.
It’s not that I don’t believe the “heart of gold” stories. I do. But the rest of what we see makes it hard for me to get behind him.
I share this sentiment with many other religious conservatives. We want to vote against Hillary, but having to vote for Trump just isn’t something we’re all that excited about.
There is something we can do to help, though. We might not all be able to unite with Trump in our outlook or stand behind his attitude, but we can join together in praying hard for him.
We attend a special Rosary group when we can, and one of the couples in the group particularly loves the Battle of Lepanto. They spread the message of God’s intervention in this tide-turning battle of the Crusades everywhere they go. This couple’s faith in the power of prayer, reinforced by their knowledge of this decisive victory of good in response to a nationwide Rosary, is amazing to see.
The power of Our Lady’s intercession at Lepanto is a good thing for us to remember now, too. Here we are, just a little over three months out from an election that will determine the president for at least four years and Supreme Court justices for who-knows-how-long, and, for many of us, there just isn’t a candidate we trust. We’re stuck with a choice we don’t like: putting a vote in for someone whose heart we doubt (but who claims to support our views), or letting the absence of our vote count in favor of a candidate we know has evil plans.
In a situation such as this, when it really does look (to some of us) as if all the chips are down, remembering the Battle of Lepanto can renew our hope. The wind was against the Christians, and their fleet was outnumbered. Then came the Rosary, the wind changed 180 degrees, and the Christian fleet was given a victory through divine providence.
Our Lady promises us God’s help, and with Him, there’s always a lot of hope. Let’s take up this battle bead by bead, decade by decade, in prayer for the nominee so many of us fought against. After all, life really is one miracle after another. Who knows what the next one might be?
To join a national movement in praying the rosary — or at least a decade of the rosary — every day for America, click here to join the CV Rosary for America Project!