Can you think of more unintentionally pro-life commercials?
Watching the Kansas City Chiefs triumph on Sunday, I noticed a Windows 10 commercial that, if you think about it one way, is unintentionally pro-life. Called “The Ones Who Will Do Great Things” it focuses on the potential of children. Imagine the potential we are aborting!
Of course, the best ad in that genre was “Life: Imagine the Potential” by our very own Catholic Vote, and it was definitely an intentionally pro-life ad.
But it made me remember a Superbowl ad from Microsoft, about technology giving us more hope for those with disabilities. With the number of disabled children who are aborted, I count it as an unintentionally pro-life ad.
Chief among unintentionally pro-life ads has to be Pampers ads. This one, “Journey of Firsts” is a good example. Note: They really are unintentionally pro-life. Proctor & Gamble reportedly supports Planned Parenthood.
Mother’s Day brings out the best in TV commercials, and this Publix commercial is one of the best unintentionally pro-life commercials.
But, as Josh Mercer pointed out here at the time, Hyundai’s pro-dad commercial is also kind of pro-life, in its way …
I am not sure if Anmum Materna ads can be called unintentionally pro-life. They are advertising a drink for pregnant mothers, after all. But they do get pretty explicitly pro-life.
Here is one about “The Princess Inside of You”:
And here is another called “Your First Date” which is kind of a combination between Umbert the Unborn and Care Bears …
Let me know of others in the comments, and I will queue them up. For instance, this Coke commercial from Argentina that a commenter recommended:
Or this one, recommended on Catholic Vote’s Facebook, the Ad Council’s “You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Be a Parent”: