CV NEWS FEED // A US Senator from Minnesota is calling out “abortion rights” activism for actively enabling men to sexually exploit women.
In a December 4 memo, in which he shared a “tongue-in-cheek” video from Live Action, Senator Glen Gruenhagen condemned pro-abortion activism for “empower[ing] men who want to sexually exploit women [and then] kill the consequence of that exploitation.”
During a debate on the abortion bill in Minnesota last January, Gruegenhagan voiced his position in his closing comments to the senate, declaring legalized abortion caters to men, and “empowers them to exploit women, not to help women and the unborn.”
Gruenhagen also recalled the history of Planned Parenthood, noting that its founder, Margaret Sanger was a “white supremecist and a racist” who believed abortion could be used as a tool to advance eugenics.
Today, Gruenhagen pointed out, African Americans make up 15 to 16% of the total population, but are close to 40% of the total abortions in America.
In the 2022 Live Action video, a group of “pro-choice” men make statements such as “I deserve to enjoy sex without commitment, marriage, or parenthood,” and “I’m a caring guy, if I get a girl pregnant and then abandon her, I don’t want to leave her alone with a kid…Especially if she tries to chase me down for child support.”
The video notes that “a woman’s sex drive is far more tied to commitment and procreation than a man’s,” and that abortion is therefore, “mainly about a man’s sexual freedom.”
“Despite the satirical nature of the video,” said Gruenhagen, “it sums up the message we are sending to young men everywhere by legalizing abortion: that they can use women as sexual objects and bear no responsibility for anything that happens.”
He concluded: “In other words, abortion rights are really rights for pro-choice men.”