I will not tell you how I’m going to vote in any election. I spent 18 years of my life making recorded votes on just about every issue. I have a public record of where I stand. I also have the scars to go with it.
In all that time in public office, I steadfastly refused to tell reporters how I voted when I went to the ballot box as an American citizen. I voted then, and I will vote in the future, by secret ballot. Those votes are private, and I intend to keep them that way.
What I will tell you that the current Republican front runner is not the person to vote for if pro life issues matter to you. To my way of thinking, Donald Trump is the worst of both parties, all in one Republican front-runner.
He’s a corporatist’s corporatist, Gordon Gecko with a campaign hat. His whole life has been about making money and being the center of attention. Other than making money and being the center of attention, what has he ever accomplished? Has he ever expressed an interest in We the People? Has he ever served this country and its people in a meaningful way?
His life has been a steady parade of getting and displaying wealth, right along with his exchangeable trophy wives. He’s managed to become a television personality by playing the heavy in a faux reality show, and along the way, he’s learned how to manage the press.
But what has ever done to demonstrate even the slightest skill at governance? What has he ever said or done that shows the smallest concern for the working people of this country? Demagoguery on racial issues and skillful bullying of the press do not governance make.
I said that he was the worst of both parties, and I meant it. Corporatism and selling this country out to the 1% is the Republican sin. Nihilism, ranging from abortion to gay marriage and now transgenderism, is the Democratic sin.
Both parties are as far from the people of this country as they can get. They are owned heart and soul by a narrow band of special interests and the group think of a small number of people who went to the same schools and have the same attitudes and basically only talk to one another.
Donald Trump not only favors corporatism, he is corporatism. Corporatism is his life’s only real work. To top that off, he’s one of the trendy rich and disconnected when it comes to social issues.
His Donnie-Come-Lately change of heart and the strangled logic he uses to explain it concerning abortion is a case in point. Not so long ago, Donald Trump didn’t want to defund Planned Parenthood. Then he got his nose bloodied on the issue and switched. A few years back, he was so gung-ho about abortion that he even supported partial birth abortion, saying that he was “pro choice in every respect.” But now that he’s running for the Republican nomination for prez, he’s frantically searching for a pro life spot to put his feet.
Donald Trump is the apotheosis of America’s long slide into trash candidates for the presidency. It began with the assassination of John F Kennedy, who was our last truly independent American president, and has continued to this new low. Think about it. A large number of Americans are seriously considering voting for a man who is the embodiment of the worst in American politics from both sides of the aisle.
What we have in Mr Trump is a candidate who will sell us down the drain absolutely and perhaps irrevocably to corporate and money interests, while supporting the continued unwinding of this country via social nihilism. He is the worst of both parties. He personifies the reasons why I say that I do not support either party and I think Americans need to get wise to both parties.
I never expected to write something this strong about any political candidate. I do not write to persuade people how to vote. I write to give Christians the tools to stand for Christ in the political arena in an effective manner. I want you to stop toadying to political parties and stand for Jesus, no matter which political party you chose.
However, this uncrowned king has no clothes. And nobody is pointing out the obvious. So, I’m going to do it. Vote for Mr Trump if you chose. It is your vote and you can spend it any way you want.
But don’t say that I didn’t try to warn you.