CV NEWS FEED // The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has announced the Secretariat of Justice and Peace, which will place a special emphasis on promoting Catholic Social Teaching.
On Aug. 6, the Justice and Peace USCCB YouTube account posted a short video message from the new executive director of the Secretariat, Jill Rauh.
“The work of justice is essential to our proclamation of the Gospel to a world in need,” Rauh said.
Rauh explained that the Secretariat has a team of 13 people who work with the USCCB to promote Catholic Social Teaching, justice, and peace both nationally and internationally.
“When we affirm the dignity of every person created in God’s image, when we work to end racism, when we advocate to address poverty and to care for our common home, when we support the Church’s ability to live her mission,” Rauh said, “this work is a reflection of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.”