But the truth is that I save my greatest ammunition for pro-abortion Republicans, especially those who also claim to be Catholic. Thankfully the number of pro-abortion Catholic Republicans in office is shrinking quickly. (Not getting better on the Democratic side, though.)
But I’ll do everything I can to stop folks like Rudy Guiliani and Tom Ridge.
And Tom Ridge continues to disappoint. Mightily.
At an Oct 23 fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans (a pro-gay group), Ridge said:
“Many Americans are outraged by the moralistic attacks on the gay and lesbian community from some within our party,” Ridge continued, lambasting what he called “the narcissists and ideologues within our party” who promote an “offensive and exclusionary view,” as well as an “unacceptable rigidity and self-righteousness on social issues.”
As Ridge attacked the pro-life and pro-family community, he simultaneously lamented a “lack of civility and statesmanship” in the political arena.
Ridge said that pro-life and pro-marriage advocates were “narcissists and ideologues” who are imposing “tyranny” on the United States.
It is rare for Republicans to support abortion today, but it was more common in the 1995 when Ridge was elected Governor of Pennsylvania. This radically pro-abortion former Republican governor has rightly been called Kermit Gosnell’s ‘chief enabler’ because he refused to allow state inspectors to investigate the gruesome conditions of the butcher of Philadelphia. (Ridge stepped down as Governor in 2001 to become Secretary of Homeland Security.)
And it’s not just his support for abortion which is objectionable. This February, Ridge also announced his support for same-sex ‘marriage.’
So at this fundraiser for gay and lesbian Republicans, I suppose it isn’t surprising that Ridge would drag out the Most Misinterpreted Biblical Verse of Our Time. He said pro-life and pro-marriage Americans should remember Jesus’ words: “Judge not lest ye be judged.” How exactly that should lead us all to allow abortionists to kill little babies, I’ll never understand.
But the invocation against judging sure didn’t stop Ridge from wagging his finger at social conservatives. Ridge said those who oppose abortion and same-sex ‘marriage’ “should be more concerned about their own relationship with God.”
Gee, sounds kinda ‘judgy’ to me.