The New York Times is sounding the alarm:
President Trump and his allies have a “digital advantage.”
And Democratic strategists are “freaking out.”
Thomas Edsall of the New York Times opened his article today writing:
In a blog post published in November, a year before the 2020 election, Brian Burch, the president of, a socially conservative advocacy group, announced that in Wisconsin alone his organization had identified 199,241 Catholics “who’ve been to church at least 3 times in the last 90 days.”
Nearly half of these religiously observant parishioners, Burch wrote, “91,373 mass-attending Catholics — are not even registered to vote!” is looking for potential Trump voters within this large, untapped reservoir — Republican-leaning white Catholics who could bolster Trump’s numbers in a battleground state…
How did Catholic Vote come up with these particular church attendance numbers for 199,241 Catholics? With geofencing, a technology that creates a virtual geographic boundary, enabling software to trigger a response when a cellphone enters or leaves a particular area — a church, for example, or a stadium, a school or an entire town.
First the Wall Street Journal discovered our new voter mobilization strategy. And earlier this month the left-leaning National CatholicReporter warned that we could boost turnout among Catholic voters.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: All of these papers sense that we are building something new and significant. But their reporting is barely a glimpse. There’s much we can’t report publicly, and won’t. But the Timesis right to be worried. The Catholic vote is a sleeping giant.
And it’s about to wake up.
But here’s the real secret…
Ultimately, our technology is not the real game-changer. Yes, we’re building something wholly new. But it’s the millions of Catholics in the pews — newly activated and mobilized to vote — that has the Left freaking out.
Today’s NY Times article reminded me of something President Trump is reported to have said:
“In the end, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way.”
We’re just helping open the floodgates to even the playing field.
And allow Catholics like you to finally fight back.