With the recent ousting of Congressman Jamaal Bowman the LOOPcast team looks a little more closely at The Justice Democrats.
“[The Justice Democrats] is an activist group which basically funds and community organizes around squad members,” Erika said.
The organization has sponsored many far-left-leaning politicians and continues to recruit more. “They go around and do casting calls for people that could potentially be good congresspeople,” Tom said.
While the crew discusses that there may be some merit to seeing how well someone does in front of a camera before sending them to campaign, it is still true that not every person is meant for the political limelight.
“I mean obviously we don’t want to get people who are absolutely brainless, but the idea that you would actually go out and recruit and actually test people, get them in front of a camera, and see how well they can effectively communicate,” Josh said.
In a hot take, Josh said that perhaps Republicans should be doing the same thing. As primaries continue to take place, it will be interesting to see how many more Justice Democrat recruits are knocked from their pedestal.