The biggest news this week didn’t happen in Washington.
Our Catholic Church is making headlines…
…for…[drumroll]…reaffirming its longstanding teaching on human sexuality.
Imagine that!
But this isn’t your typical Catholic dustup. Radical LGBT activists have stepped up their demands for the full surrender of the Church, and were convinced their victory was imminent — helped in part by the misleading antics of some in our own Church.
Chief among them is Rev. James Martin, SJ., a celebrity priest who has spent years slyly pushing for a revolution in the Church’s understanding of the nature of the person and human sexuality. He’s now moved from legitimate calls for respecting the dignity of those afflicted with same-sex attraction to fanning the flames of dissent against the Pope for refusing to bless same-sex “unions.”
But he’s not the only one…
Left-wing Catholic activists, journalists, and even priests are openly criticizing the Pope and the Vatican for refusing to cede to their demands. Ironically, many of these same dissenters are quick to judge anyone who expresses confusion over some other statements by Pope Francis.
Now it’s clear: obedience to the Magisterium is only important to them when they get their way.
Just yesterday over 300 priests in Europe signed on to a letter saying they will openly defy the Church and bless gay and lesbian unions. From a left-wing priest fanatic in Chicago, to pop singer Elton John, TV host Don Lemon, and columnists with the National “Catholic” Reporter, the war is on to force the Church to buckle.
Schism anyone?
HARD TRUTH: As our culture experiments with the latest temptation of the sexual revolution, the powerful predictably accuse the Church of being on the “wrong side of history.”
But then, a funny thing happens: the Church upholds her teachings…
…and the “woke” shout and complain, but eventually fade away, while the Church earns even more respect for its consistency and adherence to what it has taught for two millenia.
That’s because the Church isn’t making up the “truth” as it goes along. The Church is the servant of the truths permanently written into the nature of the human person and created by God himself. The Pope and the Vatican couldn’t alter the truth about what *is* — even if they wanted to!
Remember Pope Paul VI issued Humanae Vitae forbidding artificial contraception. Pope John Paul II affirmed that the priesthood was exclusively male. And now Pope Francis has said no to blessing same-sex ‘marriages.’
The Left claims that the Catholic Church needs a serious infusion of the 21st century. But of course, the opposite is true. The 21st century needs a serious infusion of the Catholic Church!
Here’s why this matters for us:
It’s hard not to recall that Our Lady of Fatima revealed to Sr. Lucia that the final battle between Our Lord and Satan will be over marriage and the family. Whether this specific fight is the final battle or not, the conflict is upon us. And we’re right in the middle of it.
And it’s becoming more clear every day that many in our own Church lack the courage to resist — or have convinced themselves they know better. The heckling Chicago priest I mentioned above even mocked St. Thomas Aquinas yesterday on Twitter. Go figure…
What does all this mean? It’s up to the movements in the Church committed to the fullness of the Gospel to do our part. To hold fast to the Faith that was given to us. To teach it, defend it, and spread it to the corners of the earth.
Hold firm. You’re not alone.
P.S. Today seemed like a good day to re-share the video below that we produced in 2015. The video created a firestorm when it was released, prompting a famous left-wing pop star to participate in a rebuttal video mocking us — and proving our point. The video was shared widely because it exposed the hypocrisy of the LGBT movement that calls for acceptance and respect, while seeking to destroy anyone who disagrees. Sound familiar?
Check it out:
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