Well, duh.
A new study by the Journal of Sex Research indicates that users of porn may also be “useful allies” of the abortion industry.
This is news?
I was an active part of the feminist movement back in the 1970s. I was also the Oklahoma Director for NARAL. I remember when we (meaning those who advocated for legal abortion) partnered with the Playboy Foundation. Prior to that, the feminist movement had been, rightfully, against pornography because of its penchant for reducing women and children to objects. Porn is degrading to those who are depicted in it. Oftentimes it is violently degrading.
Just type a series of xxxs in your search engine and sit back and watch the porn depicting violence against and degradation of women roll down your screen. Or, type “rape” or “rape victim” in your search engine and see how many hits you get for pornography depicting violent gang rapes and snuff films — all with women and children as the victims. This is not to say that pornography only victimizes women and children. Gay porn is just as degrading and often as violent as that aimed at women.
Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, I realize that this compromise with the devil of pornography on behalf of the demon of abortion was, in many ways, the unraveling of the feminist movement. It morphed, with these two corruptions of abortion and pornography, into an abortion movement that actively partnered with and abetted those who degrade and exploit women for profit. Before you could say “feminism is dead” the movement that had begun as a confused and angry demand for an end to unjust discrimination and societal misogyny became an apologist for many of the darker expressions of misogyny such as prostitution and pornography.
I was part of this when it began, and I can tell you that the motive was keeping abortion legal.
So, when I read that a group of academics who sound like apologists for the misogynous sex industry has come out with the newsflash that abortion and porn are allies under the — pardon the pun — skin, I just wave them away with a dismissive “What else is new?”
The way this non-news is being interpreted by porn’s backers (i.e., the “academics” who did this study) is that the results of the study put feminists in a conundrum. The study indicates that, while it’s true that those who use porn tend toward hostility toward women, they also support abortion. As we all know, abortion has become the sine qua non of today’s bastardized feminism.
I think this is garbage. True feminism is about helping women, not aborting babies. This unsurprising data only puts feminists in a conundrum if they cling to the idea that true feminism must include the “right” for women to kill their own children.
Abortion is a big fail for women for many reasons, not the least of which is that it empowers misogynists such as those who use and profit from porn. Commercial depictions of women as things to be beaten, raped, battered, used and then discarded don’t seem all that feminist to me. Instead of giving women the “right” to kill their babies so that they won’t lost their jobs, we need to give pregnant women job security. Instead of giving rape victims the “right” to kill their babies, we need to stop treating violence against women, rape in particular, as a form of entertainment.
I served on the board of directors of an organization that rescued trafficked women. One of the problems these women had was that they wanted to attend religious services, but were afraid to go. Why? They saw their previous “customers” there.
I mention that to make a point. I expect men who have fallen into this pagan culture to feel free to exploit and dehumanize half the human race. But Christian men should do better than that. Pornography and prostitution are not victimless crimes. These things destroy the women and children who are used for this.
Now we’ve discovered once again that men who use porn also support abortion. Why that would surprise anyone I do not know. The synergy is there for anyone and everyone to see.
Exploitation and degradation of human beings is just one short step away from killing them. In fact, violent crimes against women such as rape are all about the pleasure that certain sickos take in degrading and hurting other people. Abortion not only takes the notion that some people are lesser than others and may be used and exploited to the next step, it supplies an easy way for the misogynist to sweep his actions under the rug.