One of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on the American people is that Planned Parenthood is some kind of pro-woman advocacy group.
The reality, of course, is that Planned Parenthood is just another for-profit company. The only thing making them unique in the world of big business is their best-selling product: the dead baby.
But wait, says the lie – abortion is a service, a blessing, a liberating gift to women everywhere.
It’s all about supporting the girls, right?
Not quite. See, the lie gets awkward pretty fast when the baby being aborted is specifically targeted for termination because she is a girl.
And then the true colors come out. When a girl is being killed just for being a girl, what reaction do we get from the nation’s biggest defender of women’s rights?
Kill her. Cha-ching. Next please!
Live Action News has a scathing piece that exposes the depraved hypocrisy of Planned Parenthood by highlighting explicit statements directly from the organization.
On sex-selective abortion:
And on infanticide (you could not make this stuff up):
It’s just sick.
Read more at Live Action News.