Abort the baby now, or else I will sue…
That’s what’s happening right now to a mother of triplets in California.
We have agreed to help fund a new lawsuit on behalf of a surrogate mother pregnant with triplets. The biological father is demanding that she “terminate” one of the children immediately — or if she refuses — to take the child and give it away.
It sounds like the twisted plot of a TV crime show, but it’s happening right now in real life.
A 50-year old Georgia postal worker decided he wanted a baby. And so he paid thousands of dollars to a California clinic and surrogacy broker to make it happen. This man is single and lives with his elderly parents.
And now the surrogate mother is pregnant with triplets… and needs help.
Can you help us defend this mother? Chip in here >>>
This lawsuit is already making national headlines. People are talking about the terrible consequences of surrogacy — where anyone with money can exploit a woman and purchase a child.
I’d call it Brave New World. But it is worse…
The surrogacy industry in America is largely unregulated, awash in cash, and uses women and children as playthings that can be bought and sold. Women who participate in these contracts are often in desperate circumstances and come to regret their decision — especially after bonding with their unborn child.
We believe surrogacy contracts are exploitative of women. These contracts take advantage of vulnerable women by luring them with large financial incentives to be impregnated and to birth a child. Surrogacy is a direct attack on the family and treats women as objects.
Not surprisingly, LGBT groups are now working in several states to pass surrogacy laws to enable them to have biologically related children.
We must stop this now!
Can I count on your support to help us fund this critically important legal case?
The woman at the center of our lawsuit is now rethinking surrogacy altogether. Our lawsuit is aimed at protecting her rights and the rights of her children. We hope to stop these kinds of contracts both in California and everywhere.
I don’t need to tell you how much is riding on this case. This man is trying to force the surrogate mother to end the life of a child in her womb and is threatening to sue her for damages if she refuses.
If we win, we can protect the baby, and even help strike down the California laws that made this possible in the first place.
Many states have wisely closed the door on this kind of practice. Our legal team features the nation’s leading expert on surrogacy laws. We are making the case that surrogacy violates the Constitutional rights of women and children.
We must win this case.