Over the weekend, actress Lena Dunham hosted Saturday Night Live and, as is customary for her, controversy followed. She got naked on television, promoted abortion-giant Planned Parenthood, and mocked pro-lifers.
If you missed it, you didn’t miss much. If you watched it, you were probably one of the many viewers who turned it off because there was nothing funny or redeeming about the episode. It was the second-lowest watched episode of the season.
Dunham spent her monologue talking about people’s sex lives and promoting her show ‘Girls’. Degrading sex and human beings is what I have come to expect from the creator of ‘Girls’. If you haven’t seen ‘Girls’, I wrote about it here a few months ago.
The skit on Saturday night that got the most attention by far was the one about the “male rights activist”. Yep, you heard me… male rights activist. You can watch it here:
The skit featured a man at a jewelry party with his girlfriend and 4 of her friends. As they get to talking, it comes out that the man works as a “male rights activist” and that he was responsible for shutting down two Planned Parenthood clinics.
Lena Dunham’s character went in to an immediate “rage spiral” over his admission. She exclaimed, “How dare you? Planned Parenthood provides women low-cost medical advice and care.”
Saturday Night Live has long been known for mocking people and politics, even insomuch as promoting their agenda from time to time. But promoting the largest abortion provider in America is a step too far.
Planned Parenthood is not helping women and they aren’t empowering women.
Not to mention, they have been caught on countless occasions putting women’s lives at risk, lying to women, and doing everything in between, just to make a buck. If you want to know more about Planned Parenthood’s abuses, check out Live Action’s investigations into the abortion-giant. Planned Parenthood doesn’t “care” about women, they care about money.
Women deserve better than Planned Parenthood and I wish that Lena Dunham and Saturday Night Live would recognize that.
In response to the above SNL skit, I was asked to appear on Byline with Brian Lilley on Canada’s Sun News Network.
Check out my appearance on Sun News Network to hear more on what I think about Saturday Night Live’s Planned Parenthood promotion and more.