The Pope Video / Youtube
CV NEWS FEED // Pope Francis announced that his October prayer intention is “for a shared mission,” and he encouraged all of the faithful, regardless of their vocation, to “witness with [their] lives [and] be co-responsible for the Church’s mission.”
In the video, Pope Francis encouraged priests and laity to see each other as complementary, and thus “to walk together, taking the path of synodality.”
Pope Francis continued, “We are co-responsible in mission, we participate and we live in the communion of the Church.”
“The laity, the baptized, are in the Church, in their own home, and need to take care of it. So do we priests and consecrated persons,” the Pope urged.
He concluded, “Let us pray that the Church continue to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.”