Children wait in a line to receive medical treatment from the members of the Brazilian contingent of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti. 25/Dec/2008. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. UN Photo/Marco Dormino. www.unmultimedia.org/photo/
With the barbaric practices of Planned Parenthood exposed now more than ever, so many people of faith across the country are scratching their heads. Many are in perplexed awe at the breathtaking level of sheer denial at work in the minds of the media, the politicians, and the diehard supporters of the abortion industry’s spear-tip.
Children? No children here—just tissue for research! Stop bringing up children! Women? Now we’re talkin’. This is all about women—children have nothing to do with the importance of women’s “health”!
How can such bald-faced falsehood be asserted by so many apparently “reasonable” people? Professionals who lead productive lives and seem otherwise sane?
It’s that 25-cent word “concupiscence” again—one of the effects of original sin is to leave the human intellect and will wounded. The term “darkened intellect” is often used to describe how a person will, rather stupidly, choose to think or believe something utterly, foolishly false in order to safeguard other immoral choices they wish to continue choosing. “Darkened intellect” also aptly describes the “meh” response to evidence of children—innocent babies—being torn apart and their remains abused and bartered for in the so-called “medical” and “scientific” communities.
History Is Repeating Itself
Human history is full of examples of such atrocity, of people turning utterly blind eyes away from the despicable evil occurring in their midst. There are indeed profound parallels to be drawn between concentration-camp horrors and abortion-mill horrors. How did the architects and implementers of the Nazis’ “Final Solution” maintain the illusion that the objects of their enterprise actually weren’t innocent people whose lives should be protected, but a “problem” to be snuffed out? They accepted the darkened reasoning that insanely forbade them to “see” or perceive the human dignity of the persons they killed.
Villagers near the Nazi concentration camps often chose not to wonder about the constant smoke and ash rising from the crematoriums. Even after the war, citizens and SS officers and soldiers and camp guards were forced to confront the horror of their unburied corpses as they manually carried them to mass graves amid the stench and depravity that reflected the grave evil they had chosen. Even some of these perpetrators of the Holocaust would walk away unswayed and unmoved by the evidence of the dead people they themselves had killed and now were compelled to help bury.
Planned Parenthood Has Never “Seen” the Children
Fast-forward to the present-day carnage found in the heart of the Planned Parenthood abortion industry. Surely this will shock industry employees and supporters into realizing the magnitude of this evil, right? We can certainly pray that some will change their views, and we are seeing some evidence of this. But we ought not be surprised at the capacity of a person’s darkened intellect to use every possible avenue of avoidance to keep alive this primordial illusion that only women—not children—are present in this picture. Planned Parenthood’s founders virtually perfected the ideology that keeps the children from being “seen” even long before the organization officially existed. It is precisely this elimination of children that so many misguided souls respond to, finding in it a falsely alluring “liberation.” The backbone of the contraception and abortion industry remains the severe and absolute disconnect between sex and babies. For them, this is non-negotiable.
So, don’t let it surprise you that the staunchest anti-life figures and their supporters continue rejecting the presence of the dead children in their midst, even when the bloodied remains of these innocent children are in view and being ghoulishly treated and referenced as mere commodities. This is the satanic “glue” that holds everything together for the monstrosity that is Planned Parenthood. While reasonable people will acknowledge the reality of this homicidal industry, many whose intellects are too deeply darkened simply will not, even when staring directly into the lifeless eyes of an aborted child.
Despite its longstanding truth-mocking slogan “Every Child a Wanted Child,” there is only one real way that Planned Parenthood “wants” the children in its midst: Dead. Gone. Forgotten. Disappeared.
Or perhaps sold for a few pieces of silver.