CV NEWS FEED // Parents and families are reportedly “devastated” following the closure of a beloved local Catholic school in the suburbs of Detroit.
According to a March 26 report from Local 4, efforts to keep a St Clair Shores Catholic school from closing failed. St Germaine Catholic School will close after 70 years despite fundraising efforts.
Jennette Hexter, a parent and volunteer at the school, told Local 4 that she believes that officials “lied to us” by deciding to close despite their significant fundraising efforts.
Another parent, Emily Shankie, stated in the report that the fundraising “exceeded what their expectation was.”
“To find out during Holy Week that they are going to close us down and we don’t have another chance, it’s really sad,” Shankie said.
The Archdiocese of Detroit said in a statement that its team of priests who serve the Gaudium et Spes Family of Parishes decided to go ahead with the closure because of concerns about long-term operational viability and the ability to provide adequate spiritual care.
“This decision was made following prayerful discernment, discussion, and consultation with the school and parish communities and leadership of the Archdiocese of Detroit,” the statement said. “The Archdiocese supports the Team of Priests in their decision. We join them in thanking all who have shown their support over these last few weeks and offer our assistance and prayers to the community during this difficult time.”
The team of priests who made the decision said in a letter to families that donations would be returned, Local 4 reported.