Happy Independence Day!
We have so much to celebrate this year.
Yes, we are engaged in a great battle for the soul of our country.
Yes, the stakes are high – maybe higher than any point since the Civil War. We face a great moment of decision this November.
On this 4th of July, I see signs that the tide is turning.
Earlier this week, I wrote to you about winning ‘Pride’ month. Here are more amazing wins we’ve seen in the last month:
- The debate. The first presidential debate of this campaign was an historic, hands-down victory for Donald Trump. What we’ve been saying for months was suddenly, painfully undeniable: Joe Biden is unfit to be the candidate, much less the president of the United States. In contrast, Trump was poised, disciplined, and well… presidential.
- Two Supreme Court rulings. This year, the Supreme Court gave us rulings that set America back on the road to restoring our Constitutional order. The poorly-crafted Chevron deference is dead – dealing a blow to the unelected Deep State. The Court also defined presidential immunity in a way that will protect our honored system of checks and balances for years to come.
- The potential. With your support, CatholicVote has identified hundreds of thousands of practicing Catholics across seven swing states currently in households that do not vote regularly or have not even registered to vote. Translation: we are pursuing untapped voters who most likely share your values in this election. Voters that will decide the outcome of the election in November. Untapped gold.
There’s more. But these three key moments give me great hope on this July 4th.
In times of trial and under attacks, Americans have historically risen to the challenge.
And today is no different.
The louder our enemies shout, the more firmly we set our sights on the goal: one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.
So in prayer, our best and truest weapon, I give thanks again to God for this great nation – despite its obvious shortcomings – and implore heaven that she may be preserved.
In closing, here is a prayer written by our dear friend Cardinal Raymond Burke that seems perfect for this moment:
O Lord Jesus Christ, you alone are the Way, the Truth, and the Life…
Grant, we beg you, that, in these times of decision, all who profess to be Catholic and who are entrusted with the sacred duty to participate in public life may, by the strength of your grace, unwaveringly follow your way and faithfully adhere to your truth, living in you with all their mind and heart, for your greater glory, the salvation of souls and the good of our nation.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America, pray for us.
St. Thomas More, patron of religious freedom, pray for us.