The Oklahoma City black mass is going on as planned at the Civic Center on Sunday, Sept. 21, but in a somewhat altered form. The usually nude female “altar” will be wearing lingerie, vinegar replaces human urine, and the pilfered Consecrated Host has been returned to its rightful owner, the Catholic Church, in the person of Archbishop Coakley of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
(Click here to learn about the clever legal maneuver that got the Church’s property returned to Her, and the fantastical story–or stories–the black-mass organizer spun to explain how he got it.)
Regarding this, Monsignor Patrick Brankin, speaking to Catholic Website Aleteia, said of this:
“I am profoundly relieved that this group has returned to Archbishop Coakley the Consecrated Host which they intended to desecrate, but am still concerned that they have not backed away from all the other blasphemies and sacrileges involved in this ritual worship of Satan.”
This quote is part of a larger story I wrote for Breitbart News — click here for that — about Msgr. Brankin, who is the exorcist for his diocese, and another, unnamed exorcist, which today was picked up on Drudge Report. It also contains a video in which the black mass organizers declares his ultimately short-lived defiance of the lawsuit filed to retrieve the Host.
Anyway, Archbishop Coakley has arranged a Eucharistic Procession and a Benediction service to take place Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. local time at St. Francis of Assisi in Oklahoma City. He’s also asked Catholics (especially those from neighboring Texas), other Christians and all people of good will to join him.
Of course, there are millions of concerned folks who won’t be able to make the trek to Oklahoma, so Catholic satellite network EWTN is stepping in to help.
As reported today on EWTN’s blog, on Sunday at 8 p.m. ET, Father John Paul Mary of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word is leading a Eucharistic Holy Hour of Reparation.
The goal of the Holy Hour is to “make reparation for these blasphemous events, and to pray for the conversion of the organizers of the black mass and those attending this sacrilegious event.”
The blog quotes Father John Paul as saying: “A single act of charity is greater than all the evil in the world. You can think there is more evil in the world than holiness. That’s what the evil one wants you to think. But where sin abounds, grace abounds even more (Romans 5:20).
“What the nuns do in the slums of Calcutta, what the missionaries do in the deserts of Africa, what the homeschooling mother does in teaching the faith and sacrificing for her children, builds up the Body of Christ. People look at the Church as an institution, but the Church is much greater than that. It is an actual living organism.
“When we live lives of charity, we build up the Church here on earth. The only way to combat evil is with charity and goodness. Period!”
So get those rosaries ready!
Here’s his video plea:
UPDATE: Protesters are gathering at the Oklahoma City Civic Center, and one of The Oklahoman’s reporters in on scene, sending photos and comments to social media. The paper’s online site, NewsOK, has a page tracking the updates. Click here for that.