CV NEWS FEED // An Ohio county is using taxpayer dollars to teach children how to be drag queens and how to “express” their preferred “gender.”
Colors+, a “trans” youth center, offers “drag tutorials” in collaboration with Drag Queen Story Hour Cleveland, another LGBTQ+ organization aimed at indoctrinating children. Every month, Colors+ and a local drag queen teach “the fundamentals of drag,” such as makeup, costume design, and performance.
“Youth are able to creatively express themselves in a safe, affirming, and age appropriate way,” the website claims.
The drag tutorials are funded by Cuyahoga Arts and Culture (CAC), which itself is funded by taxpayer dollars from Cuyahoga County.
In addition to supporting events like these drag tutorials, CAC promotes leftist DEI values (diversity, equality, and inclusivity).
According to their website, CAC received a DEI award last year due to the organization’s efforts to “provide equality” in everything, including staff members and events. In a statement, CAC emphasized the group’s efforts to promote people who are African American, indigenous, or otherwise “people of color” to higher positions. CAC also said that the group has focused on providing more funding to organizations and events that promote racial equity and diversity.
CAC and Colors+ have not responded to a request for comment.