
St. Michael Novena
for the 2024 Election

Join CatholicVote’s 3rd Annual St. Michael Novena


Day 1: For the defense of Catholics against church violence and a weaponized federal government

Day 2: For the defense of the dignity of every life especially those threatened by abortion

Day 3: For the preservation of religious freedom

Day 4: For America’s immigration crisis, that the poor and vulnerable may be protected and the safety of our communities may be secured

Day 5: That the innocence of children be protected from the false ideology of “gender identity”

Day 6: For the defense of marriage from any disordered practices that seek to undermine its sacred purpose

Day 7: For the proper Education of youth that promotes true learning and choice of education

Day 8: For an economy based on justice and prudence, that all may earn an honest living

Day 9: For the value of the Family to be upheld in American society and the rights of parents to be respected

Pledge to Pray

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“The outcome of this election will be determined as much by the spiritual battle we face as the battle for votes. Join us in praying for the soul of our great nation.”

brian burch, president, Catholicvote


Why a Novena?

This year’s presidential election marks a pivotal moment for our country, one that can change everything. There’s no question that the freedoms and values we cherish as Americans are being threatened by political movements that reject the Gospel’s message.

Just in the past few years there’s been a brutal surge in direct attacks on Catholics, the family, and the vulnerable, including:

  • Over 350 Catholic churches attacked and vandalized
  • The federal government weaponized against faithful Catholics and pro-life activists
  • Innocent unborn lives continue to be annihilated by abortion
  • National security is in crisis at the border, while migrants are subject to trafficking and other horrors from cartels
  • The innocence of children is exploited by radical gender ideologies and the promotion of permanent body mutilation.

When confronted with such challenges, we remember Christ’s words that some demons “can only be driven out by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29).

Last year, over 24,000 Catholics participated in a novena to protect our churches and all Catholics in America.

This year, let’s do it again and join forces to defend America’s future,

Our 3rd Annual Novena to St. Michael – leading up to the Feast of the Archangels on September 29 – will once again draw Catholics across the country together to ask Our Lord and St. Michael to do battle for us.

That is our most important work.

How can I participate?
What is a novena?
Why St. Michael?
What else can I do?

Donate to Support Us

Help bring this novena to other Catholics, too!

By donating to CatholicVote, you can personally help dozens or even hundreds of other Catholics join you in prayer for the protection of American Catholics.

A $10 contribution will tell 16 other Catholics about our novena.

$20 will inform 33 people about the prayer campaign.

$50 can reach 83 faithful Catholics.

And $100 will bring this powerful novena to 167 other people.

Thank you for joining us in prayer. Now, will you consider taking the next step by donating to the CatholicVote Education Fund?

We'll use your tax-deductible donation to call as many of our fellow Catholics as possible to prayer. We're aiming to have thousands of Catholics commit to this novena - just like you!

Thank you in advance for your generous support of CatholicVote! May God richly bless you.