CV NEWS FEED // A new inter-parish ministry in Rochester, New York, is offering Catholic adults ages 30 and up opportunities to connect and deepen their faith through their new program “Elevate.”
The Catholic Courier shared that this new program was launched by Edwin Torres and Will Rein in order to “foster community and inspire holiness among adults ages 30 and up.”
Torres and Rein wished to combat the isolation often felt by those who are neither young adults nor retirees. Torres emphasized this need, stating, “There is not that much for us after aging out of the ‘young-adult’ age group.”
Elevate organizes a range of activities to foster community and spiritual growth. The Catholic Courier reports that recent events include kayaking on Irondequoit Bay, attending the Rochester International Jazz Festival, and participating in Eucharistic adoration. The ministry also hosts events like potluck dinners and Catholic Q&A nights, encouraging members to share their interests and cultural backgrounds.
According to Rein, the success of Elevate is drawing participants from across the region.
“People are living alone in their faith, living as siloed Catholics,” Rein said. “There’s a palpable joy … meeting people in needs they didn’t know they had,” he continued.