Because many issues are at stake in this election, the race in Montana is crucial to get our country back on track.
After reviewing their positions, we believe that Steve Daines is the right choice for U.S. Senate.
On issues like abortion – which involves an intrinsic evil that must always be opposed – Amanda Curtis is on the wrong side. Steve Daines has an impeccable voting record on issues of life, faith, and freedom in the House of Representatives.
We have created a simple side-by-side candidate comparison flyer for your reference. It outlines where the candidates stand on the issues that matter to Catholics.
In addition to showing where the candidates stand on moral issues like abortion that are central to Church teaching, we have also included other important topics for consideration. The Church provides frameworks for issues like healthcare and education, but Catholics are free to disagree on the specifics.
Click here to download the Montana Senate candidate comparison flyer!
Steve Daines is pro-life. In the House of Representatives, he voted to end taxpayer funding of abortions and to protect unborn children who can feel pain after 20 weeks. Source: Congressional Voting Record
Amanda Curtis does not believe unborn children have a right to life. She is endorsed by Emily’s List, a group that supports pro-abortion women in politics. Source: Emily’s List
Steve Daines believes marriage is a union of one man and one woman. Congressman Daines Official Website
Amanda Curtis thinks marriage should be redefined. Source: Helena Independent Record, 10/5/2014
Steve Daines has fought for religious liberty in the House of Representatives. He co-sponsored the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act. Source: Congressional Voting Record
Amanda Curtis prioritizes easy access to contraceptives and abortion over employers’ rights of conscience. NARAL Pro-Choice America and NARAL Pro-Choice Montana said that Curtis’ nomination answered an “urgent call” from those who “demand a representative who will fight for the comprehensive health care to which they are entitled.” Source: Reproductive Health Reality Check
Steve Daines opposes Obamacare. “I support full repeal of ObamaCare…. I believe doctors and patients, not insurance companies or the government, should be in charge of health care decisions.” Source: Congressman Daines Official Website
Amanda Curtis will not repeal and replace Obamacare. Source: Huffington Post
Steve Daines “will push for expanding school choice so that more parents can send their children to a high-performing school where public schools are poor.” Source: Congressman Steve Daines official website
Amanda Curtis thinks the federal government should be more involved in education. Source: Huffington Post