


CatholicVote.org is a community of patriotic Americans who believe that the timeless truths of the Catholic faith are good for America. That’s why we make it our mission to inspire every Catholic in America to live out the truths of our faith in public life.

Do you believe what CatholicVote.org believes? Then become a member and put your faith in action!

Frequently Asked Questions
about CatholicVote.org

Is CatholicVote.org just for Catholics?

No! Tens of thousands of Americans of many faiths (and some of no particular faith) have joined CatholicVote.org because they believe the mission and vision is compelling and true. A majority of our membership is Catholic, but we welcome all people of good will.

Is CatholicVote.org run by or funded by the Catholic Bishops?

No. CatholicVote.org is a layperson-led effort of Americans who fully support the teachings of the Catholic Church. We are not funded or administered by the Catholic Bishops, and 100% of our funding comes from our members. We proudly profess our agreement with the Magisterium of the Church, and we value a fruitful relationship with the shepherds of the Church. We strive to be their energetic co-workers!

Are you liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat?

CatholicVote.org is Catholic. We aren’t “owned” by any party or movement, and that makes us better able to pursue the common good than a partisan organization could be. However, we do believe in “taking sides” if one candidate or policy position is decidedly against the principles we hold dear. We welcome the opportunity to fully support every individual, issue or movement that is committed to the same clear principles which, when followed, promote the common good.

Do you endorse candidates for political office?

CatholicVote.org is organized as a 501(c)4 grassroots lobbying organization with a connected political action committee called CatholicVote.org Political Action Committee. That structure enables CatholicVote.org and its members to lobby Congress in favor of (or against) legislation. CatholicVote.org Political Action Committee can also endorse (or oppose) candidates for elective office. We believe in showcasing good examples of men and women who proudly put their beliefs and values into action on behalf of those who elected them.

Who Runs CatholicVote?

CatholicVote.org is managed by a core full-time staff that works in collaboration with a select group of allies, media and web agencies, and volunteers. If you are interested in working for CatholicVote.org as a full- or part-time staff member or intern, or wish to contribute your services in another way, please send a short note with some background on yourself to info@catholicvote.org.

Contact Us:

You can reach us via e-mail at info@catholicvote.org or by phone at (317) 669-6127.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 3310
Carmel IN 46082

Sign up and join the movement.

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