On January 23rd, day one of Trump’s presidency and the day after the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, which bans American funding for abortion providers abroad. The organization hardest hit by this decision is Marie Stopes International (MSI), the world’s leading abortion provider, which for years has been heavily funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
MSI immediately released a statement decrying President Trump’s pro-life move. “As a result, our organisation will be prohibited from receiving any new funding” from USAID, they complained. “In 2017, USAID funding would have helped us reach 1.5 million women in some of the poorest, most underserved countries in the world.”
The statement goes on to warn that “without alternative funding, the loss of our services during Trump’s first term, between 2017 and 2020, could result in … 2.1 million unsafe abortions.” MSI has pulled out all the stops to fight recent efforts against its agenda. It is a very powerful organization, and its greatest weapons are deceit and fearmongering threats.
Read Between the Lies: Many Unborn Lives will be Spared in 2017
Take MSI’s work in Africa for example.
A petition created by Culture of Life Africa in partnership with CitizenGo reports:
A bombshell news report shows that Marie Stopes International (MSI) — the largest global abortion provider in the English-speaking world — is committing illegal abortions in Uganda and other African countries [where abortion is officially banned].
“There was no help [for women],” says Desire Kirabo, the former manager of an MSI clinic in Hoima, Uganda. “Their service was abortion.”
In fact, Marie Stopes even admits that they perform illegal abortions: Paul Cornelissen, MSI Programme Director for South Africa, admitted to attendees at a conference in 2007 that “We do illegal abortions all over the world.” As recently as 2012, Zambia banned MSI from operating in its territory after the organization perpetrated over 500 illegal abortions there.
MSI has a long history of using menacing rhetoric to gain control over vulnerable women in Africa. The abortion giant presents itself as a savior and warns that unless it is granted power over their unborn children, life for African women will be torture.
But once MSI gains a foothold, it quickly becomes the torturer.
I mean that quite literally. As we reported here at CatholicVote, whistleblower Desire Kirabo’s testimony “is harrowing, and will be sure to outrage the public in just the same way David Daleiden’s now-famous Planned Parenthood videos did:”
Kirabo says that most of her MSI center’s clients were abortion clients, that they were given abortions quickly and not offered any other options, and that most of the abortion victims were young girls, “sometimes” even underage.
These poor girls were brought into a room which Kirabo simply calls “the abortion room.” The abortions were not even performed by a doctor, but by a medical assistant. “They use manual vacuum aspiration,” Kirabo told Ekeocha. “It’s a very painful procedure …[The girls] cry, they scream out loud.” The MSI staff kept a radio in the room, and they would turn it up to a high volume to drown out the girls’ screams.
Again, abortion is illegal in Uganda.
Obama Boosted MSI’s Mission of “Killing Africa.”
Under Trump, the Pro-Life Movement Can Help Save Africa
Exactly eight years before President Trump’s first day in office, on January 23rd, 2009, a newly-inaugurated President Barack Obama rescinded the Mexico City Policy. As Life News’s Steven Ertelt reported at the time, Marie Stopes International was “the biggest beneficiary, along with American abortion business Planned Parenthood, of President Barack Obama overturning the Mexico City Policy. Naturally, MSI officials distributed a press release applauding the decision.”
For their part, the mainstream American media could barely contain their applause, and painted a horrid picture of MSI’s good work being “gagged” under the policy Obama revoked. As one AP article reported, “the country director for Marie Stopes Kenya … said his family planning organization had been limping along on European aid because of the U.S. rule Obama overturned on Jan. 23 in one of his first presidential acts.”
Thanks to Obama’s decision, MSI has spent years using American taxpayer dollars to perpetrate what Ekeocha calls a “modern day eugenics to ensure that only the planned, the privileged and the perfect are born into the world.”
In a 2013 report, MSI boasted of “how we have grown and developed over the past five years (2009-2013),” in part by boosting MSI’s response to women’s “abortion-related needs.”
The report included a graph showing a vast increase in “safe abortion and post-abortion care services” since President Obama had taken office in 2009:
Trump May Have Just Saved Millions of Unborn Lives
Sign the Petition to Save More
MSI routinely downplays the fact that it pushes abortions and absurdly argues that it saves millions of lives that would otherwise be lost in “unsafe abortions.” In 2015 alone, MSI claims to have “averted” four million “unsafe abortions.” How? In part “by increasing access to safe abortion services.”
It’s clear that MSI only solves African women’s problems by “killing Africa,” illegally aborting preborn children in a manner that can hardly be called “safe” at all.
Less than two weeks before President Trump renewed the Mexico City Policy, a petition was created to demand that taxpayer-funded donors to MSI cut off the organization’s funds. The petition quickly gained nearly 20,000 signatures from 72 countries, including 28 African countries. (Please sign the petition here!)
Trump’s renewal of the Mexico City Policy is a great beginning, but it only puts a dent in MSI’s taxpayer funding. The policy will cut off the 17 percent of MSI’s funding that USAID supplies, but U.K. taxpayers will continue to support MSI whether they like it or not until the campaign to defund the abortion giant prevails.