TRUMP AND NATO Member nations of NATO have pledged their “unwavering commitment” to increase defense funding. This is a victory for President Trump who has long called for other countries to share the burden of military spending. A Forbes report revealed that the U.S. spends more than double in defense spending for NATO than all other countries combined. READ |
KAVANAUGH’S DEBT The Washington Post ran a story shaming Judge Brett Kavanaugh for buying baseball tickets with credit cards. We’re not sure why this is such a scandal, but CNN and other media outlets got worked up over it. READ |
KAVANAUGH’S COMMITMENTS Judge Brett Kavanaugh was originally scheduled to volunteer with a Catholic charity to feed the hungry last night. That was before he was nominated by President Trump on Monday night to fill the seat of Justice Anthony Kennedy. But after meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Judge Kavanaugh showed up for duty and served hot dinners for the poor in Washington, D.C. READ |
KAVANAUGH VS THE MEDIA Feminist media are pushing a campaign to “normalize” abortion. And they are gearing up their efforts in order to stop the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. READ |
CROSSING THE TRANS AGENDA Business Insider is the latest publication to retract a story that offended transgender advocates. And increasingly, so-called mainstream publications are becoming hostile to conservative voices. READ |
PRO-FAMILY POLICIES It has long been considered that low fertility rates were irreversible, and that countries suffering such low rates would continue to spiral ever downward. But Hungary is not just experiencing a fertility spike; it’s turning things around in a way that demographers once thought couldn’t happen. READ |
SENATE VOTES ON TARIFFS The Senate voted 88-11 on a non-binding resolution that suggests congressional approval be required for the president to impose tariffs. READ |
SHIP DEDICATED TO McCAIN Ailing Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, becomes the third namesake for the USS John McCain. The Naval destroyer was named after McCain’s father and grandfather, both Navy veterans. READ |
CATHOLIC HIGHER EDUCATION The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that Marquette University violated the academic freedom of professor John McAdams. The professor, who is an evangelical Christian was suspended indefinitely, without pay, over a blog he wrote challenging the university to uphold its Catholic identity. READ |
SOCCER COACH’S FAITH Croatia faces off against France in the World Cup. The coach of Croatia’s national team, Zlatko Dalic, is a man of sincere faith, who says: “I always carry a rosary with me.” READ |
SAINT OF THE DAY Saints John Jones and John Wall were both ordained diocesan priests who later joined the Franciscans. Living almost a century apart, these two saints shared a common characteristic—both ministered to the faithful during dangerous times for Catholics in England. Eventually arrested, they were both martyred for the faith: one in 1598 and the other in 1679. READ |
DAILY READINGS “Let us see your face, Lord, and we shall be saved.” (Ps 80:4) READ |
TRUTH We’re not sure who put this together, but it’s brilliant. |