IMMIGRATION As soon as the government was opened back up, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer pulled his offer to support a wall on the southern border. President Trump fired back: “If there is no wall, there is no DACA.”
NEW FED CHAIR Jerome Powell confirmed as Federal Reserve Chairman 85-12. Current Chair Janet Yellen’s term expires Feb. 3. Votes on the nominations of Secretary of Health and Human Services and Ambassador of International Religious Freedom expected soon.
MORE JUDGES President Trump released his 10th round of judicial nominees. The list included Wendy Vitter, general counsel of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Vitter’s husband, David Vitter, is a former Senator from Louisiana.
TAX REFORM WINDFALL Walt Disney Co. will give a one-time cash bonus of $1,000 to about 125,000 employees because of federal tax reform. In addition, Verizon will give each of their employees stocks worth about $2,600. Does Nancy Pelosi consider this all just “crumbs”?
DEMOCRATS IN DISARRAY The Democratic Party still hasn’t figured out a united strategy on how to deal with Donald Trump. Liberals like Liz Warren want confrontation. But that’s giving heartburn to Democratic senators from states that Trump won.
ME TOO Feminists hate men, but then tell women to act like them.
CULTURE OF DEATH Twitter apologized for allowing an account to use a picture of a disabled child (against the mother’s will) in order to promote abortion. Lord have mercy on us.
CHRISTIANITY IS GROWING New Harvard research indicates that Christianity in the United States is not shrinking, but actually growing stronger. One factor: Faithful people have more children.
CHINA & CATHOLICISM The negotiations between the Vatican and the government of Communist China over the appointment of bishops is complicated — to say the least.
SAINT OF THE DAY Saint Francis de Sales, patron saint for writers –
DAILY MASS READINGS “For ever I will maintain my love for my servant.” (Ps 89:29) –
HOLINESS Saint Francis de Sales’ wrote a checklist for a self-examination of the soul. Trust us: It’s worth a few minutes of your time.