TRUMP ON GUNS President Trump has asked Attorney General to regulate ‘bump stocks’ which can be used to make semi-automatic weapons fire at a rate similar to automatic weapons.
TAX CUT POPULAR A majority of Americans now support the GOP tax law. Since it became law at the end of December, support for the legislation has gained 26 points.
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY A new office at the Department of Health and Human Services dedicated to protecting religious freedom of health care workers received 300 complaints in a month. “We’ve announced to the world that we’re open for business and the public is responding,” said Roger Severino, director of the office.
GUN-FREE ZONES A survivor of the 1999 Columbine school shooting is now a state representative in Colorado. And he’s calling for an end to gun-free zones in schools.
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY A lesbian couple in Texas is suing Catholic Charities of Fort Worth for refusing to provide them with a foster child. “Finding foster parents — and other resources — for refugee children is difficult work,” said Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth. “It would be tragic if Catholic Charities were not able to provide this help, in accordance with the Gospel values and family, assistance that is so essential to these children who are vulnerable to being mistreated as meaningless in society.”
DATING A professor at Boston College noticed that about 10 years ago, a large number of young people stopped dating. Professor Cronin is trying to help her students see that it’s braver – and ultimately better – to get to know a person before becoming physically intimate with them, something the hook-up culture gets backwards.
HEALTH CARE CHOICES Under current law, short-term limited health insurance cannot last more than three months. The Trump administration is considering changing the rules to extend that to 364 days. “Americans need more choices in health insurance so they can find coverage that meets their needs,” said health secretary Alex Azar. “The status quo is failing too many Americans who face skyrocketing costs and fewer and fewer choices.”
OBSCENITY The Florida House of Representatives passed a resolution declaring pornography a health risk. The resolution noted that research found a link between pornography use and difficulty maintaining intimate relationships.
SAINT OF THE DAY A man of prayer and devotion, Saint Peter Damian was also a spiritual writer.
DAILY MASS READINGS “A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.” (Ps 51:19) –
WITNESS The Catholic priest killed by the Klan for performing an interracial marriage.