HHS MANDATE // The Trump administration issued a rule change that would apparently provide religious liberty protections for religious organizations against the HHS contraception mandate. http://cvote.it/2qDQXWE
ABORTION // Planned Parenthood delayed their annual report by six months, but they finally released it yesterday. The abortion giant saw its revenue climb to $1.35 billion and the number of abortions increase to 328,348 (up 1.34%). Still no mammograms. http://cvote.it/2qE09dQ
VILE SPEECH // Kathy Griffin released a photo of herself holding a mock-up of a severed head of President Trump similar to the gruesome way that ISIS barbarians do. Charles Krauthammer called the stunt “political pornography.” The tweet from the so-called comedian got the attention of the Secret Service. She later said: “I am sorry. I went too far. I was wrong.” http://cvote.it/2qDFxCk
MISSILE DEFENSE // Attention, North Korea: The Pentagon successfully tested an upgraded missile defense system. http://cvote.it/2qE0UU5
DEMOCRATS IN DISARRAY // How are Democrats going to win again in the Rust Belt? Democrats in Ohio have someone in mind to run for governor: Jerry Springer. He is no stranger to politics. Springer resigned from the City Council of Cincinnati in 1974 after he used a check to pay a prostitute. Years later, he became Mayor of Cincinnati. http://cvote.it/2qDJU0i
LGBT // What next? Illinois’s child welfare agency has proclaimed staff must ‘affirm’ gender ideology and ‘facilitate’ LGBT identities for kids—or be fired. http://cvote.it/2qEcXkr
CATHOLIC SCANDAL // What is it with this guy? Former Vice President Joe Biden ‘presided’ over a same-sex ‘wedding’ over Memorial Day weekend. If you remember, he officiated at a same-sex ‘wedding’ while serving as vice president last August. http://cvote.it/2qE7OJh
CULTURE // The CBS sitcom ‘Mom’ donated $250,000 to abortion giant Planned Parenthood. The show features actress Allison Janney (formerly of West Wing) who has long been a vocal support of abortion. http://cvote.it/2qEfIlM
CATHOLIC // Something is awry when Catholic schools make a policy to accept ‘transgender’ students. http://cvote.it/2qDQnZf
CATHOLIC // During his homily Tuesday, Pope Francis said: “A shepherd must be ready to step down completely from his church, rather than leave in a partial manner.” http://cvote.it/2r94ZmW
SAINT // Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – http://cvote.it/dailysaint
DAILY MASS // “Among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah 12:6) – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings