CHARLIE GARD // As the parents of Charlie Gard desperately try to bring their son home to die, the legal and media attention to their son’s case has raised questions of parents’ rights and government limits. “I don’t think it’s ever appropriate” for a hospital or court to step in and “advocate” for a patient, especially in the case of a minor whose parents are involved, said Benjamin Harnwell, founder of the Rome-based Dignitatis Humanae Institute.
HEALTH CARE // The Republican-led Senate voted 51-50 to proceed to debate on health care (with Vice President Pence casting a tie-breaking vote.) The most current Senate health care plan was actually voted down 43-57. But this is just the beginning of many more votes in the days ahead. Is there a final plan that will get the approval of 50 senators by the end of the week?
HEALTH CARE // Senate Republicans succeeded on the motion to proceed to debate. But many more hurdles remain. Here’s a look at the potential landmines ahead.
RUST BELT // The blue collar town of Youngstown, Ohio, gave President Trump a hero’s welcome. Salena Zito writes: “Trump’s approval rating, according to Gallup, is 39 percent. Youngstown is the 39 percent.”
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // Six months into the Trump administration, and some Justice Department holdovers are still causing headaches for the Little Sisters of the Poor. So lawyers fighting for the Little Sisters are calling on the federal courts to dissolve the Obama era lawsuit still hanging over their head.
TAXES // If Republicans can succeed on health care, tax reform will be next on their agenda. CatholicVote’s political director spoke with National Catholic Register about possible tax proposals which would benefit Catholic families.
CATHOLIC // One year after the brutal killing of Father Jacques Hamel, Catholics in France remembered his martyrdom.
CATHOLIC // Australian Cardinal George Pell made his first appearance in court, aiming to clear his name. While Cardinal Pell did not need to enter a plea yet and didn’t speak during the brief hearing, but he said he will plea “not guilty.”
SAINT // Saint Anne and Joachim –
DAILY MASS // “The Lord gave them bread from heaven.” (Ps 78:24) –