SAN DIEGO SHOOTING A woman was killed, and a total of three were injured, as a gunman attacked a synagogue near San Diego, CA. Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein received a phone call from President Trump. “He shared with me condolences on behalf of the United States of America. We spoke about the moment of silence. And he spoke about his love of peace and Judaism and Israel,” said Goldstein. READ |
POPE AND THE BORDER Pope Francis donated $500,000 dollars from Peter’s Pence collections to assist thousands of migrants who are in camps just south of the U.S. Border in northern Mexico. READ |
ARMS TREATYAt the National Rifle Association annual convention, President Trump said his administration would be withdrawing from an Obama era global arms treaty that set rules for the sale and transfer of small arms. “We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedoms,” said President Trump. READ |
ELECTIONS IN SPAINSpain’s socialist prime minister will be forced to form a coalition government after his party suffered a modest setback in the Sunday’s national elections. The once-dominant conservative “Popular Party” suffered significant defeats and a new populist right-wing party “Vox” made major in-roads. READ |
WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS? “Less than a month after the movie Unplanned opened to record box office, Kansas is protecting the very two abortion procedures that were deemed unfit to show teens and children: The abortion pill and dismemberment abortion,” writes Tom Hoopes over at the CV Blog. READ |
CORRUPTING CHILDREN The 1980s cartoon She-Ra has been rebooted. The show’s executive director, Noelle Stevenson, told the magazine Queerty that she was “queering” the series. The result is that male-female relationships are depicted problematically, and same-sex relationships are shown as wholesome. READ |
IN DEPTH During the fight over the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, social conservatives had a powerful woman leading their efforts: Phyllis Schlafly. But Helen Andrews laments the lack of social conservative women in discussions over family breakdown and the difficulties of raising children in today’s economy. “Just as the housewives of Stop E.R.A. would never have made an impact if Schlafly hadn’t organized them, today’s political conversation tends to overlook those women who would prefer to raise their children in one-breadwinner families like the ones they grew up in,” said Andrews. READ |
SEAL OF THE CONFESSIONAL California is considering a bill to force priests to report claims of sexual abuse heard in the confidentiality of the confessional. Fr. Pius Pietrzyk, OP, writes in the USA Today that if this bill passes, “no religion is safe.” READ |
SAINT OF THE DAY Saint Catherine of Siena was a Third Order Dominican known for her contemplation and prayer—as well as her involvement in Church and civil affairs. During the time when there were two and three popes each claiming the papacy, Saint Catherine sided with Pope Urban VI. She was named a Doctor of the Church in 1970. READ |
DAILY READINGS “Blessed are all who take refuge in the Lord.” (Ps 2:1) READ |
CVTV Will the LGBT war on Catholic adoption hurt kids? The fates of hundreds of children and foster families hang in the balance. SHARE |