CHARLIE GARD // The parents of Charlie Gard end their fight to save his life, after a U.S. doctor declared it was too late for experimental treatment.
HEALTH CARE // Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, is making a dramatic return to the Senate for crucial health care vote. “Senator McCain looks forward to returning to the United States Senate (Tuesday) to continue working on important legislation, including health care reform, the National Defense Authorization Act, and new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea,” his office said.
HEALTH CARE // President Donald Trump met with people negatively affected by Obamacare, as he called for the Senate to pass a repeal and replace bill. “Every pledge that Washington Democrats pledged to pass that bill turned out to be a lie. It was a big fat ugly lie,” Trump said. He added that Republicans have been promising to repeal and replace for seven years. “There’s still time to do the right thing.”
LABOR // Labor Secretary Alex Acosta is taking on the excessive occupational licensing. “In 1950, only about 1 in 20 jobs required a license. Today, more than 1 in 4 Americans need a license to legally perform their work,” said Secretary Acosta, who called such state licensing had become a “hindrance to the American workforce.”
UNBORN // Children in the womb may be able to distinguish between languages, according to a new study by the University of Kansas. Researchers saw that fetal heart rates changed after an unborn child heard the recording of an unfamiliar language after hearing the recording of a familiar language.
SPORTS // Celebrated Christian athlete Tim Tebow is silencing critics by tearing it up in minor league baseball.
CATHOLIC // Natural Family Planning isn’t just for Catholics anymore. Some who aren’t Catholic recognize the health or environmental benefits to ditching the pill.
SAINT // Saint James the Apostle –
DAILY MASS // “Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing.” (Ps 126:5) –