BUSH FUNERAL President Trump and four living former presidents gathered with other world leaders at Washington National Cathedral for a state funeral service for former President George H.W. Bush. His son, former President George W. Bush said: “When the history books are written, they will say that George H.W. Bush was a great president of the United States, a diplomat of unmatched skill, a commander in chief of formidable accomplishment, and a gentleman who executed the duties of his office with dignity and honor.” READ |
CORRECTING THE STORY One of the most enduring myths during President George H.W. Bush’s presidency was that he was surprised to see a supermarket scanner, which had become commonplace in grocery stores. But what President Bush actually described as “amazing” is that this new scanner was able to read torn UPC labels. The media, with the notable exception of the AP, insinuated that President Bush had never seen a supermarket scanner before and was out-of-touch with everyday Americans. READ |
FLAKE STOPS JUDGES Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley again scrapped a meeting to advance more than two dozen judicial nominations as outgoing Sen. Jeff Flake, R-AZ refused to support any nominations until he gets a vote on legislation to protect Robert Mueller’s investigation. READ |
SATANIC A display from the Satanic Temple in Chicago has been included in the Illinois Capitol building, next to a Christmas tree and a menorah for Hanukkah. The Secretary of State of Illinois claims that the state has no ability to refuse the display and that the Satanists have the same rights as other religious organizations. READ |
ABORTION AND MEDIA COVERAGE Researcher Michael New says the mainstream media continues to miss the story on the declining rate of abortion in the United States. READ |
STRANGE NEW RESPECT Whether it’s John McCain or George H.W. Bush, the media really do love Republicans — when they’re dead. READ |
AMAZON GIVING Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is giving $15 million to Catholic Charities. Bezos said the goal of his gift is to “shine a light and support the organizations that are doing compassionate, needle-moving work to provide shelter for young families in communities across the country.” READ |
FOREIGN AID AS COLONIZATION Cardinal Polycarp Pengo of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, said that Western nations “will stop supporting us if we are against homosexuality.” But the cardinal added that “the sin of homosexuality” is “contrary to God’s plan of creation and should not be accepted at all.” READ |
SAINT OF THE DAY The absence of “hard historical facts” is not necessarily an obstacle to the popularity of saints, as the devotion to St. Nicholas shows. Both the Eastern and Western Churches honor him, and it is claimed that after the Blessed Virgin, he is the saint most pictured by Christian artists. READ |
DAILY READINGS “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Ps 118:26) READ |
MOVIES Here are some family-friendly movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime. SHARE |