ANTI-SEMITISM House Democrats are divided over a resolution to condemn anti-Semitism that was motivated by comments made last week by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-MN. The freshman lawmaker, who is Muslim, accused pro-Israel lawmakers of having “allegiance to a foreign country.” But progressive Democrats are defending Omar. READ |
ANTI-RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY The Colorado Civil Rights Commission has suspended its harassment of Christian baker Jack Phillips. The action occurred after attorneys for Phillips discovered that commissioners had agreed with a fellow commissioner who compared Phillips’s religious views with the Holocaust and motivating slavery. READ |
STRANGE BEDFELLOWS The ACLU agrees with President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who strongly oppose legislation by House Democrats that would place tighter restrictions on elections. ACLU National Political Director Ronald Newman said the bill “would chill the speech of issue advocacy groups and non-profits such as the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, or the NRA that is essential to our public discourse and protected by the First Amendment.” READ |
SCHOOL CHOICE Catholic educators are signaling their support for a new proposed federal tax credit-based scholarship program that could help parents send their children to Catholic school. The proposed legislation provides protections for private and religious schools against political interference by federal or state governments. READ |
2020 DNC Chair Tom Perez announced that Fox News will not be allowed to host any 2020 Democratic primary debates. In response, President Trump has threatened to boycott general election debates with what he called “Fake News Networks.” READ |
MEDIA BIAS Media analyst Mollie Hemingway responded to the DNC’s decision on Fox News: “Republicans play a big game of pretend, dutifully going on shows hosted by activists [Chuck] Todd and former Bill Clinton spokesman George Stephanopolous — two hosts who are far, far, far less impartial than [Fox News’ Bret] Baier and [Chris] Wallace.” READ |
SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THE MILITARY During a Senate panel on sexual assault in the military, Sen. Martha McSally, R-AZ, disclosed that she was raped in the Air Force by a superior officer. McSally was the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat. “I stayed silent for many years, but later in my career, as the military grappled with the scandals, and their wholly inadequate responses, I felt the need to let some people know I too was a survivor,” said McSally. READ |
INDOCTRINATING OUR KIDS Virginia Kindergartners were read a transgender story titled, “I Have a Girl Brain but a Boy Body.” And more stories like this might happen, now that the National Education Association is partnering with the Human Rights Campaign, a radical LGBT group. READ |
CARDINAL PELL’S APPEAL An Australian court said that Cardinal George Pell’s appeal will be heard June 5-6. Pell was convicted in December of sexually assaulting two choir boys in 1996. READ |
SAINT OF THE DAY The Church faced persecutions early on in its history. Saints Perpetua and Felicity are two well-known names among the martyrs. While we don’t know much about them, we do have Saint Perpetua’s diary that gives a few facts about their last days. READ |
DAILY READINGS “Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.” (Ps 1:1) READ |