QUESTIONS ARISE OVER POLYGRAPH TESTS A man who dated Christine Ford for six years claims that he witnessed Ford instructing a close friend on how to take a polygraph test. If true, this would contradict her sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee when prosecutor Rachel Mitchell asked her: “Have you ever given tips or advice to somebody who was looking to take a polygraph test?” Ford replied: “Never.” READ |
THIRD WOMAN’S ACCUSATIONS CHANGE Julie Swetwick claimed Brett Kavanaugh went to parties where gang rapes were commonplace. She sat down for a TV interview and NBC’s Kate Snow said: “NBC News for the record has not been able to independently verify her claims. There are things she told us on camera that differ from her written statement last week.” Swetwick last week claimed that Kavanaugh spiked the punch at high school parties, but now she says she didn’t see him spike any drinks. Despite the ability to verify any claims, NBC ran the Swetwick interview. READ |
THREE STRIKES FOR NBC NEWS NBC has come under criticism for three separate articles on Brett Kavanaugh that have accuracy problems. In one article, NBC spread an anonymous and uncorroborated letter from a woman who claimed to have heard that Kavanaugh pushed his girlfriend against a wall. The woman later retracted her claim, but hours later, NBC published the story anyway. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, slammed NBC as “a co-conspirator in the destruction of Kavanaugh from my point of view.” READ |
60% SAY CONFIRM, IF FBI CLEARS HIM A new poll shows that 60% of Americans support Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court if the FBI finds no evidence to back up Christine Ford’s accusations that he sexually assaulted her. Additionally, the poll found that 75% of Americans said that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA, should have turned over Ford’s letter to the FBI in July when she received it. READ |
BRAVE WHISTLEBLOWER DIES Holly O’Donnell died at age 27 from multiple severe medical challenges. In 2015, O’Donnell blew the whistle on Planned Parenthood for selling body parts of aborted babies. O’Donnell cooperated with investigative journalist David Daleiden to uncover evidence of the trading of body parts. “No matter the lies and smears from corrupt establishment and Planned Parenthood-sponsored media … and always with her own great love and humility, Holly O’Donnell was clear about what she saw: StemExpress and Planned Parenthood sold baby parts,” said the Center for Medical Progress. READ |
CATHOLIC ADOPTION SUES TO SURVIVE The City of Philadelphia announced that it would not do any foster-care placements through Catholic Social Services unless the organization contradicted Church teaching on marriage and family. Now Catholic Social Services is suing the city, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit is scheduled to hear the case in November. READ |
CULTURE OF LIFE Philip Rivers is an NFL quarterback and father of 8. He shocked a sports host who asked him: “Are you done having children?” READ |
POPE’S RESPONSE A new Pew Research Poll shows that by a 2-to-1 margin, American Catholics give Pope Francis negative marks for his handling of the sex abuse scandal. READ |
ELECTION 2018 A new poll by Quinnipac shows that the Democrats’ lead in the generic congressional ballot has been cut in half in the last month. At the beginning of September, Republicans were trailing by 14 points in this poll, but they’re now 7 points behind. It’s possible that the Kavanaugh hearings are helping to rally Republican voters. READ |
SUSPICIOUS ENVELOPES INTERCEPTED The Secret Service said it received a “suspicious envelope” addressed to President Trump. The Pentagon also confirmed that at least two packages suspected of containing ricin were sent to Defense Secretary James Mattis and Admiral John Richardson. READ |
WAR ON CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTERS Crisis pregnancy centers are the nemesis of the abortion industry. Now the Mayor of Hartford, Connecticut, is targeting the city’s pregnancy support centers — even after the 2018 Supreme Court ruling on behalf of such organizations. READ |
SAINT QUOTE “Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family.” -Saint Angela Merici |
SAINT OF THE DAY Saint Theodora was born in France but came to Vincennes, Indiana, at the invitation of the bishop. Eventually, she established a new foundation of her community in the States, but not after suffering many hardships. Saint Theodora is buried at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, the headquarters of the Sisters of Providence. READ |
DAILY READINGS “Let my prayer come before you, Lord.” (Ps 88:3) READ |
SPIRITUAL BATTLE Pope Francis has invited the faithful to pray the Rosary every day during the Marian month of October, concluding it with a prayer to St. Michael to protect the Church from the devil. Here is a tapestry of Saint Michael the Archangel now on display on the facade of Saint Peter’s Basilica. READ |