You will hear a lot in the coming days about the school shooting in Texas, not only because you should or for the reasons you should, but because it is helps one side politically.
Here’s what else happened in the last 24 hours which you probably will never hear about again because it is not politically useful. This is what I’ve read this morning in just the first three pages of the newspaper I looked at this morning.
I haven’t even made it to page 4 yet or gotten to my other two newspapers yet:
1) A Hartford police officer is recovering from being stabbed in the neck.
2) Ex-Playboy Playmate, who was in a custody battle, killed herself and her 7 year old son by jumping out a hotel window with him.
3) A pregnant woman and service dog were punched by an airline passenger.
4) A stylist at a Brooklyn barbershop threw a client through a window after he complained about his haircut. “The victim’s face was ripped open and his face was covered with blood.”
5) There was *another* shooting, at a megachurch in Kansas City. (Since it is a shooting, and therefore politically useful, you will at least probably hear about that one.)
Now here’s the part where I say something that is not terribly original and won’t move the needle one bit but needs to be said anyway because it is true:
A country like ours does not function without faith in God and love of country. That is the only glue that can hold it together. When you constantly seek to dissolve what holds something together, the thing naturally falls apart. That is what is happening to us.
Now go on about how you want gun control, because it is small, it does not get to the core of the problem, it aids the party you support and is a thrust against the party (and people) you do not.
And keep talking about how incorrigibly evil is your country’s founding and its traditions and how bigoted and deceived are people of faith. And scratch your head, after you get your gun control, as to why it is that the violent deterioration of our country still continues.