CV NEWS FEED // The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference is calling on the faithful to join in praying the Conference’s third annual pro-life novena on May 23.
The Pray for Life Novena will be led once more by the Council for Life of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, and will continue until May 31, the Feast of the Visitation, according to a CatholicNews press release.
“As we embark on our third annual Pray for Life Novena, we form a community of prayer, whether online or in person,” Bishop Kevin Doran of Elphin stated in the release.
He continued:
We pray not only for women and their babies, but also for ourselves, that we may be renewed in our courage and our confidence in being advocates for life, and in our capacity to inspire others to do the same.
Each day of the Novena invites participants to pray for a particular intention related to the pro-life cause and offers a short reflection, along with practical suggestions for how “to help build a culture of life in Ireland.”
The Council for Life recently participated in the Pro Life Campaign Ireland’s March for Life rally in Dublin in early May, which garnered media attention with the approach of local and European elections and a stalemate over the country’s abortion laws.