In this photograph, I mean.
After all, not knowing what the person is actually saying is what makes a caption contest fun, right?
Besides, if there’s anything we’ve learned in the past year, it’s that having no clue what Pope Francis is saying should never be a hindrance to putting words in his mouth.
And Thomas – sorry for so shamelessly treading on your turf, but it’s such a great picture I couldn’t pass it up.
So readers, have at it. What captions can you come up with for this great photo of Pope Francis?
I took a few stabs at it myself…
“No, I’m serious – the secret to a great leg of lamb is rosemary!”
“This lamb must not like me…he’s demonstrating his trickle down theory down my back.”
“Okay fine, maybe you’re right – I probably wouldn’t have said that if I knew they smelled this bad. For the love…”
“No, I said the Pope loves you, not ewe.”
“So then I’m like, ‘Hey Monsignor, how much if I wear this sheep around all day?’…ha ha ha!”
“You know what else is hilarious? ‘Get Strangled by a Sheep-Wielding Gypsy Day’ was yesterday, not today, so kindly remove the sweaty livestock from my neck.”